Why did you leave, PoiPoi?

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"MAGENTA, WHERE IS THAT DAMN MONKEY?!" Magenta's father shouted. He stomped his talon and she ran faster with the furry creature in her arm. Her legs were tired from running errands all day, but her father wouldn't let her stop.
       She had to wake up early in the morning before the sun went up and she wouldn't be able to sleep until after her father did. Her father, Gorillaglide, had started to become an alcoholic after his wife had died after laying Magenta's egg. He never got over it and repeatedly said how she was the cause of her mother's death, yet she had died from suicide because she didn't want a dragonet who wasn't from her true love.
"I'm coming," Magenta shouted back and hurried her footsteps. The monkey in her arm kept clawing at her but she tried to stay focused. Once in his room, she stopped at the entrance and looked down, not daring to look at his stern gaze.
"Took you so damn long," he growled, stole the monkey, and slapped her hard in her cheek. She fell to the ground with a hard thud and cried as her father kept beating her. "Damn child." He turned around and slapped his tail straight on her bruises and she winced. She quickly got up from the small blood pile beneath her and looked down.
"Would you like anything else, Master?" She asked. Her cheek and body burned from his hits and she tried hard not to collapse on the floor.
"I want you to get out of my sight, moron, and I want to never see you again until I ask for something else," he snarled, gave her one more hit to her side, and then dismissed her.
       She ran out in a mess of blood and tears and collapsed right when she reached the outside. It was raining and storming. Water started to flood around her as she sat down and she choked when the brown water reached her nose.
"PoiPoi," she mumbled as another tear ran down her swollen and burning cheek. "Why did you leave? Why did you go-" Something ahead of her crashed and she threw up her head quick. She squinted her eyes and saw a tree fall and fall onto another tree. She looked down and gasped when she saw a flood of water crashing into their tree house. Drowning animals wailed their terror and tried to hook on to the tree house which made the tree shake.
"The hell, moron, stop shaking the house," her father cursed walked out beside her and cursed again. "What is this? Is there some sewage problem with the Nightwings?"
"I think it is a flood," she answered and got an immediate swat to the head.
"It is a rhetorical question." He peeked over the edge and cursed again. "Moron. Go see if the village still has dragons there NOW." She nodded and flew off, her side making her falter almost immediately. She glanced down and saw a family of sloths carrying babies on their backs and chittering go each other.
       A panther was combing itself with its tongue, countinuesly eyeing the frog that kept chirping next to it.
As Magenta flew, she felt pity for all the animals who couldn't escape and then saw the amount of damage beyond. It was worse, with dead sloths flowing with the raging flood and parrots who squawked with terror as they got stuck under water. Soon, she was at the village to only see the whole tribe gathering in the Arboretum in green and white and blue.
"Do not worry!" Queen Glory declared, her voice muffled by the squeeking of dragons. "Listen!" The king, King Deathbringer roared and all the dragons snapped to attention.
"We are not going to die. We will be leaving the rainforest to find shelter. This place is not safe anymore," she declared and some dragons turned a deep red. "Parts of this village is already flooded and some of the newborn dragonets have drowned. This will only be temporary but unless you want to live, I suggest you come with me.
       "I need three groups, one for the dragonet eggs, the food, and dragons who will carry medical supplies for dragons who must likely can not reach this destination." Magenta's eyes widened in fear as she crept along the platform leading to the crowd and sat down next to two dragons.
"Where would we be going," asked a dragon beneath the queen and she looked down.
"I," she stopped. "We don't know yet, but I do know that there is a place where the tribe can stay until this flood is over. We must evacuate now." Dragons didn't argue any longer and nodded. Magenta felt her vision become blurry as she flew away back to the tree house where her father would be waiting for the news.

       In twenty minutes, the tribe was ready to go and on the move, but Gorrilaglide and Magenta were still in the house.
"I swear," he growled and thrashed his tail. "Stupid sewage systems in the stupid rainforest is freaking stupid." Magenta winced as he threw another bag on top of her and squinted her eyes at him.
"If Parrot was still alive, she'd be taking care of you but unfortunately, she isn't." His tail thrashed again and accidentally hit her horns.
"Would you like me to carry these out-" she offered but was quickly cut off.
"There is no where to put them," he snarled and put another cloak and vest into another leaf bag. "I think that is all of it. Let's go." He grabbed two heavy bags from Magenta and put them on his neck and flew off without any other words.
She quickly followed him into the air and saw the tribe winging off in a cloud of rainbow scales. She flew harder to catch up with her master and sighed.
PoiPoi should have been here to comfort her when she needed it, but he wasn't. He was somewhere having fun with other dragonets who weren't her. She wanted him to have someone to sleep on, to talk to, to be someone to cry on. She wanted him and no one else.
"Why did you leave, PoiPoi?" She muttered and narrowed her eyes at the horizon. Her father cursed and lashed his tail to regain momentum. "What did you leave me for?"

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