Moving Back

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"Start collecting every single thing that you have brought here and bring it to the front. Collect the dragonets and  accompany the elderly. Get ready to leave. Let's go!" Queen Glory ordered and her citizens went straight to work. She smiled at them, feeling proud of her tribes.
"Mother?" her daughter asked her. Glory turned around to look at her.
"Could I get the elderly and dragonets flying first? They'd be slow of we went all together, but faster if they went first."
Glory shook her head.
"No," she answered, and Hyacinth lowered her head. "Queen Anemone said that the rainforest was clear from the flood, but I want to make sure of that before we go so that it's safe before we move back in. Whilst I and a couple others go, I need you and your father to care for the rest." She flicked her tail and looked around.
"I'll address that to the tribes. Do you want anyone specific to go with you?" Hyacinth asked. Her purple tail flicked and she smiled.
"Grandeur, Pineapple, Jambu, Pine, and loyal dragons of your choice," Glory decided. "Maybe Deathbringer."
"You just said that he should stay with me," he daughter objected.
"I trust you to take care of these dragons yourself. You're more than capable of it,"  she said. "Plus, he'd probably find a way to come with me anyway. Get the tribes ready. I'll send a messenger to bring you back if it's ready."
"Your wish is my command, Mother," Hyacinth said, and then bounded off to do whatever she did. Glory smiled as she left.

Her daughter has been so responsible, respectful, and a great heir to the throne. She'd be a wonderful queen one day, whether or not she wanted the job.

The small group was flying toward the green rainforest with Glory in the lead. Deathbringer and Grandeur flew at her side, giving her support and comfort. Her pink and yellow brother, Jambu, kept wasting his flying time on flips and bumping into other dragons as they flee closer. His boyfriend, Pineapple, (yeah Jambu is gay; you can see that in the last book) kept trying to stop him and keep him under control.

Three hours later, they finally reached the outskirts of the lush green forest. They flew straight through the vines and looked down in horror as dead sloths were stuck in the muck and panthers ripped their furry coats to get to higher ground. Although the flood had stopped long time ago, it seemed as if this was only the beginning and there would be another one.
"It's horrible," Grandeur muttered. "I honestly don't know why Queen Anemone even bother send out a flood to half of Phyrria. Is it that serious?" Her elegant tail flicked and turned a little red. "Look what's she did to our home."
"She did just lose her mother, a strong queen," Deathbringer said. "There were stories that there was a major flood at the beginning of her reign, so Anemone wanted to capture that hideous effect in the present times, indicating the murderous plot of Queen Coral's passing and the edge of her final reign-"
"Don't talk like that," Glory growled at him, hysterically laughing in her head. Her husband chuckled. "We're almost at the village, only half a mile left to go."

As they continued to fly, the outlines of the village became clearer. The group flew over the village, scanning at it. The walkways were a little cracked and broken, but overall safe to walk on. The houses seemed to be completely intact, and the sleeping platforms were only a little damaged. The Arboretum, however, we as completely destroyed. The walkways caved in and water flooded in the middle. The trees around it was decaying and growing mushrooms. Jambu whimpered at it, and Pineapple went to comfort him.
"It's garbage now," Grandeur grumbled. "Three moons, this took months to make, only for it to be destroyed."
"We'll make it better than it was before," Glory smiled. "We'll turn this wreck into something beautiful."
"You just described recycling," Deathbringer observed. Glory shrugged.

They flew on, reaching the queen's treehouse. It was safe from the water and all the rooms are intact.
"It's safe here," Glory informed them, inspecting all the rooms and walking through it. "DEATHBRINGER."
"Yes, darling?" He said, coming immediately.
"Don't call me that," she growled and he snorted. "Go check the Nightwing village. It's on the floor, ai it might be destroyed. I'll send Pineapple as a messenger to get the rest here. Report to me when you finish."
"Yes, your majesty." Deathbringer ran off and she followed him to the entrance. Next, she sent Pineapple to Jade Mountain to get the rest of the tribe. With all the elderly and the dragonets, they might get to the rainforest within a day or two. But eventually they would come and eventually the search to find Moray will be over and Phyrria will come to peace.

"I need at least fifty dragons to fix the Arboretum and fifty dragons fixing the walkways and platforms!" Queen Glory ordered. The tribe had officially moved into the rainforest. The Nightwings had started making their home above ground for flooding hurricanes. Hyacinth was making sure that every Nightwing was fine with moving up there and closer to the Rainwing villaage and Deathbringer and Mangrove had started doing construction there. Orchid, Grandeur, Kinkajou, and a couple others were rebuilding the hatchery and making it safer and closer to the village. Jambu, Pineapple, and some of the tribe were making houses for the animals in case for the next flood. They were also in charge of planting seeds and growing food.

Queen Glory was in charge of keeping everyone in line and meeting the demands of her tribe's needs. She made frequent trips every where, making sure everyone was doing their own job and fixing everything. Within a six hours, they were able to fix the Rainwing village. The Nightwing village would be next on the list and they were busy creating an army.

How Glory loved this place, she couldn't figure it out. She turned a loyal violet whenever her subjects did exactly what she instructed them to and did funny things all the time. She felt this way with her kids also, especially Hyacinth. She didn't dknow how her sons were doing, but she hoped they were doing good. She would never tell her children this, but Hyacinth was officially her favorite child.

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