The Egg' Yours

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Seashell and Kolluth were in her room. Make-up cluttered her sandy dresser and five thin cloaks were hung up on hangers. Her bed was just a large flat rock with a blanket and a pillow. Bracelets and necklaces were clustered around her dresser.

"I cleaned up as much as I could," Seashell smiled, scratching her neck. Kolluth walked in, smelling and smiling.
"It's small but nice," he said, and Seashell felt the eighteen waves of anxiety that had washed over her turn and bother someone else. "At least you don't have to share a room."
"With my two brothers?" Seashell laughed. "I'm lucky to be an only girl. Sure, it gets lonely some times because your siblings are away and fighting or playing and you're left alone to do nothing." Something in Kolluth's face changed and she could almost gear what he was thinking: That's what Hyacinth feels when they're not there.

"Well, what do you want to do?" Kolluth asked, sitting down. His tail twitched and he looked around.
"Wanna make necklaces?" Seashell asked. "Or earrings? You could make one for Hyacinth?" Or your egg.
"Sure," he smiled.
Seashell nodded and grabbed some beads from a bowl in her dresser and some sewing string. Then she grabbed some melted metal from a burner next to her art supplies and out it on the floor between them. Then, she put an eating mold beside it and sat down.
"Wow," he said. "You were prepared."
She shrugged. "I could have brought more but Aunt Auklet said she would use the rest of the necklace beads for her necklace company she started a week ago." After a moment, she added, "She already has thirty employees already."

"It's something about your family that likes business," he laughed. He grabbed a string and added only purple beads to it. While he was working hard, Seashell took a glance over at her bed.

Underneath it was a small, smooth, pale white egg. It was hidden in the shadow, well out of Kolluth's sight, but she didn't know if Nightwings could see in the dark, especially a Nightwing-Rainwing hybrid, and she didn't want to find out the wrong way.

With reluctance, Seashell looked back at him and found him staring back at her.
"You're looking at your bed as if you see Moray there," he said slowly, tying up the purple-beaded bracelet. "What's wrong? What's under there?"
"Nothing!" She yelped and quickly got up. "Don't look under there!" Kolluth tilted his head and looked down, then shimmered into nothingness. "KOLLUTH!"

Seashell got up quickly, nearly knocking over her bowl of beads and barreling into her bed, colliding with a shape that felt a lot like Kolluth. He grunted and tried to shove her off, but she pressed her body to his and put her talons over his eyes. Then, she fell to the floor with a thud and looked up in fear. She whirled around and saw her little white egg floating until Kolluth shimmered back into view.

"Kolluth," she said slowly, advancing toward him. "Put the egg down."
"Who's is this?" He demanded. "Is this Tsunami's? Is this yours?" She stopped and stood up straight.
"If I said it was yours, what would you reaction be?" She asked slowly and something in his face changed. His grip on the smooth egg softened just the tiniest bit.
"I'd keep it as my own," he started. His tail flicked again as he looked down at the egg. "Even if it wasn't mine I'd keep it for my own and raise it as my dragonet. There's a living creature in there, so is it right to kill something that hadn't even be able to live out their life or even take a breath? I'd take it."

Seashell let out the breath she'd been holding and smiled softly. She stared at him straight in his eye and smiled. He maut of known what her gaze meant and pushed the egg toward his chest.
"It's your egg," she said. "After school ended, I felt horrible and kept throwing up every where. It was until I laid the egg that I realized I was with it, and you are the only dragon I've kissed this whole year and my whole life, except for Gill when I was younger." His face changed and she said quickly, "I saw my parents kissing and I thought it was normal to kiss someone you know too! I was only a year old, JEEZ."

He snorted and smiled. "So the dragonet is mine? Really?"
"Yeah," she whispered and walked over to him to out her talons over his and her other one in the egg. "I know it feels weird to be parents at our young age, but please help me. I can't raise an egg on my own."
"I'm not gonna leave you with an egg, Seashell," he said. "It'll take a year for the egg to hatch anyway, so we're fine."
"But it's a tribrid," Seashell whispered. "And mostly Seawing. How would we know if it catches under water or above water?"
Kolluth shoke his head. "Let's not worry about that right now. We have an egg to watch and bracelets and earrings to make." Seashell laughed and nodded

In one hour they would be around the dinner table for dinner and they would be able to forget about the egg for a-

"Is that an EGG?" gasped a slithery voice from her door. Seashell whirled around with her talons stretched toward him. Reed.
"Don't you dare!" She snarled. Her tail lashed and Kolluth disappeared with the egg. "Reed, come here." The green dragonet snickered and bolted away. Seashell gasped and went to chase him down.

They ran down the hallway toward the front door, when he suddenly turned directions toward where Mother and Queen Glory was. The two dragons were startled and jumped up from their seats, Mother wincing as her shoulder and neck bandages shifted.
"Seashell has an-!" Reed started, when Seashell jumped on him and cupped her talons over his mouth and smiled nervously.

The Rainwing queen raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is there something Reed needs to tell us?"

She grabbed her brother by his neck and pulled him out of the room and away from her. From behind her, she could hear the queen say, "She's got your voice, Tsu."

Then, her mother laughed and changed her voice to a haughty one and said, "AND my DRAMATIC FLARE."

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu