Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


I've been too soft for long to a point where people take advantage. How did someone as old as that man even thought of touching my little sister?

I've been part of a gang when I was in varsity and we used to do a lot of things. Our gang fell apart when our leader died but as they say,you can take a gangster to work but you can never take the gangsterism out of him.

"Babe, what are you thinking about?" Fez walked in the kitchen wearing only my t-shirt.

"Damn." She realised that I was staring at her and she raised up her finger.

"Uh-uh. Take your mind out of the gutter." She opened the cupboard and took out two mugs.

"I'm making coffee, would you like one?"


She started making coffee while I was staring at her. Finally she was done and she gave me mine but I pulled her closer to me.

"Banzi, what if you poured it on me? It's hot." She looks cute when she's angry.

"I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" My hands were on her waist and she was grinning instead of being mad.

"I can never stay mad at you." I kissed her.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too Assholé." I smiled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.

"What? Am I making you shy?" One of the babies cried.

"You better make them a bottle. A person can't rest." She took her coffee and headed upstairs.

I boiled water and while they were still boiling,I took out my phone and dialled a number.


"Listen can you give me information about Richard Radebe? I want everything on him. Most importantly his address and how tight the security of his house is."

"On it." He hanged up. I prepared two milk bottles and took them upstairs.

Afeziwe was rocking Nontsi in her hands while Ntsiko was crawling around. He stopped when he heard the door opening. I picked him up and gave him a bottle.

"Champ. How are you today?" All he did was just stare at me while sucking on the bottle.

"I think we should do a family photoshoot." Fez suggested.

"I'm in. You'll text me the details because I have somewhere I need to be today."

"I thought since it's Saturday, you'll come with us to see my mom."

"Eish,I forgot. I'm sorry." I feel bad.

"It's fine. We can do it another time." She was walking around the room while breastfeeding Nontsi.

"I promise to make up for it. Name your price?"

"Anything?" She smirked.


"Well I still need to draw up a list because I need a lot of things."

"I'm on a low budget. Feel for me."

"On a low budget for your wife?"

"Fine Afeziwe. Whatever you want,you shall get it." She grinned and came to give me a kiss. I also kissed Nontsi's forehead.

"I can't wait for them to grow up." I said.

"Me too. We would be running around the house chasing after them but it will be worth it."

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