Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Seol was currently in Nobira's Class Training Center.

It was a place that Seol would probably have to visit every time he took a Rest until his skills hit max level.

The Black Magic Training Center treated him quite poorly but Seol didn't mind. He didn't plan on staying in Nobira for a long time anyway.

"This way."


The woman led Seol into a pitch-black, windowless room.

Fortunately for Seol, they seemed to have been taking good care of the room as it didn't smell at all.



When the door closed, a glowing tree grew out in the dark space.

The first thing that caught Seol's eyes was Shadow Summon which had hit level 3.

As expected from his core skill, countless branches were stemming from it.

Seol didn't even give a glance to his other skills. He only focused on the branches stemming from Shadow Summon.

'Since I only have 2 skill points... I could either learn a new skill or enhance a skill other than Shadow Summon...'

Even though Seol could learn a new skill right now, he was comfortable with the skills he already had.

Since Seol couldn't learn any skills that would create a massive impact with just 2 skill points, he decided to push back learning a new skill for later.

[You enhance Passive: Enhance Summons.]

[You use 2 skill points.]

[Your summons' stats increase by 10%.]

Since the previous level increased his summons' stats by 5%, it was likely that this skill increased his summons' stats by 5% with each increase.

For a skill that only took 2 skill points to enhance, it was quite a significant difference.

However, this also meant that his summons' stats accounted for a large portion of Seol's strength. Luckily for Seol, he had another way to supplement it as well.

[[Gallotta's Tongue]

Quality: Treasure

Required Class: Shadow Summoner

Recommended Level: 14-23

Damage: 42

Durability: 68/68

Weight: 0.2kg

A treasure completed with the tongue of Gallotta, the pitch-black snake. The powers of the snake that emits shadows are imbued into this item. However, because Gallotta's shadow venom has seeped into this item, there is a danger of the weapon poisoning its user.

Basic Effect: +22 Wisdom

Bonus Effect: Your Shadow Summons' stats are increased by 15%. The chance Shadow Summon passes on a skill when used is increased by 20%. Every 6 hours, there is a certain chance the user becomes poisoned by shadow venom.]

A treasure that would increase his summons' stats by an entire 15%.

The shadow venom was a problem, yes, but that was soon about to be an issue of the past.

Seol finished enhancing his skills and returned to the outbuilding.


When Seol opened the door, what greeted him was the disgusting smell of the food he hadn't finished cleaning yet.

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