Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

Kongory was filled with people, just like when Seol was first transported. However, Seol was already aware that it wasn't a positive sign.

"And you're telling me to believe that?"

"Seriously, I'm telling you the truth! There's already talk that Nevenia isn't going to do anything about the current situation."

"How?! Two cities have burned down already! And what about the deceased?! And the people who were kidnapped?!"

"Do you think a country moves on feelings alone? They move for their own interest. What am I supposed to do when Nevenia's royalty already made that decision?!"

"Dude, keep your voice down. Someone could hear."

"Who cares if they do? Is there anyone in Kongory who isn't insulting the royal family?"

"That's true, but..."

Seol was curious about what they were talking about.

First, Seol headed to the information guild, but for some reason they were inoperational.

'Damn it... This is going to be troublesome now.'

Seol, with no other choice, headed to his second option, the Adventurer Association. There was still information to be discovered here as long as he looked hard.

[(NEW) [

[Post Date: A week ago]

[Title: I worked so hard to create my own space in Nobira, so what the hell is all this?]

It took just one day for me to become a complete nobody...

Is the weather here in Kongory better?

- If you're from Nobira, just stay in Nobira.

- The weather's better here for sure, but it's nothing compared to Seoul.

- Man, I miss Seoul... I want to go camping again too.

- Nothing beats a barbeque while camping.

- Wake up, you idiots. Do you really think now's the time to be talking about this?

- What do you want us to do then?]

[(NEW) ['s Post]

[Post Date: A week ago]

[Title: I'm accepting recommendations for another city to go to]

Other than Kongory.

After all, we don't know when this fucking city would die too.

I'm going to go further south.

- And you think they'd accept you?

- If you go there, I'm going to curse you.

- Ah, that's a bit...

- I still can't believe Nobira died like that...]

[(NEW) ['s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: I can't believe those fucking weaklings are acting up again. I can't handle it anymore...]

I'm going to call Private.

Private hyung... yeah? Please say something... Nobira died.

- Did you forget how long it's been since Private ran away? LMFAO

- Why the hell would Private join this?

- This is too large-scale for a transferee to handle.

- Call Han Yeo-myeong! I thought he was strong?

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