Chapter 178

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Chapter 178

Seol couldn't help but feel excited checking Ur's stats.

But after seeing the stats... Seol's expression went stiff.

[[Ur the Sealed]

Title: N/A

Rank: Immortal

Race: Shadow

Level: 24

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Unallocated Stats: 0

Strength 10 Dexterity 10 Constitution 10

Intelligence 10 Wisdom10 Spirit 10

Talents: Master Linguist, Knowledge Seeker, Legendary Teacher]

'Why are his stats so low? Aren't these... just the basic stats?'

- This wasn't what I ordered...

- It was, though? Look at the receipt.

- Hahaha... That's weird... But it isn't, okay?

Ur appeared completely absent-minded.

Upon seeing Ur's face, Seol believed those stats might have been accurate, but something still felt off.

'He's Immortal-rank, isn't he? It's one rank above Transcendent, so why?'

There was definitely something else in play here that Seol was missing.

'Ah... now that I think about it...'

There were still a couple of things Seol hadn't checked yet.

Ur's skills.

Before, when Seol acquired new summons, they all had 2 or 3 skills despite being Heroic-rank.

'But... Even though Ur is Immortal-rank, he has only two, just like the others.'

Seol, while thinking, checked Ur's skills.

First was Wizardry.


- Wizardry serves as the foundation for all mana-based skills. It is influenced by the environment, the type of mana, and imagery, a completely distinct field from conventional magic.]

'That's... all?'

- Alright, class~ We'll be learning about wizardry today!

- And that was all! Everyone enjoyed our lesson today, right? 👍

- EZ!

- But wasn't Ur originally a bad guy? He was also strong before...

- But now he's just chilling next to me in bed 😳

Seol couldn't discern much from this description. He couldn't gauge Ur's strength, his new summon, nor could he grasp the nature of his skills.

'I guess the only thing that's left is... Maverick?'

Since Wizardry's description was a bit lacking, Seol hoped that Maverick's description was more detailed.

Seol then meticulously read through all the details, ensuring not to miss even a single letter.


- All other summons are canceled upon Ur's summoning. While Ur is present, he gains stats equivalent to the total stats of the canceled summons.

However, this effect is not absolute. There are also many situations where summoning Ur is not possible.]


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