Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

In the vast fields near Nevenia's borders, Seol encountered a troll.

Remarkably, it was the only troll that Seol had become acquainted with, aside from Jamad.

- My name is Mael, the star child.

Mael, a troll exiled from the Rock Molar Tribe.

His appearance was completely unexpected.

"Put your sword away, Karen."

"What? You knew a troll other than Jamad, Master?"

"Through this and that, yeah."

Mael slowly approached Seol's party.

It was only after confirming the troll's identity that Seol took a look at his clothes.

He wore glasses that made his eyes appear smaller, likely due to their high prescription, and carried a bag so full that it was being stretched to its seams.

"What is all that?"

"Old books, medicinal herbs, and a whole bunch of miscellaneous stuff, hahaha!"

"Mael, how have you been?"

"I've traveled all across Nevenia; the human world truly is incredible. It was a good decision to descend the mountain."

Seol was delighted to have met a helper after so much time.

Since the situation was so unexpected, Seol felt more excited to see him than he usually would.

"Come sit down, the winds are strong. You should warm up by the fire."

"Then would it be alright? It was so cold that I thought my lips would freeze together, haha!"

Mael shuffled over to the campfire.

Though he was smaller than Jamad, he was still a troll and was considerably big.

With him now sitting by the fire, the campfire, which once felt open, now felt cramped.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Karen. By the way... do trolls wear glasses too now?"

Mael gave Karen a gentle smile before responding.

"I use them more for other miscellaneous uses than to supplement my vision."

"I see... I know it's a bit rude to say this, but you seem quite intelligent for a troll? You're different from the trolls I've met so far."

"Hey, are you talking about me, elf?" scowled Jamad.

Karen simply shrugged without an answer.

"The belief that trolls are 'simple' is a misunderstood fact. Though their actions could seem foolish from the perspective of other races, we have our own established beliefs and cultures. Ah, obviously there are simple trolls too, though."

"I see... So, how did you meet Snowman?"

"Snowman is my savior who pulled me from the depths of despair. He is also someone to whom I have a debt to repay, however lacking I am."

"Hm, I guess Master gets called a savior regardless of wherever he goes. Even though... he doesn't look trustworthy to me at all."

"Many times, we may fail to understand something properly because we examine it too closely. How could this not also be true for people, when it applies to objects as well?"


Karen looked at Seol's face before cracking a smile.

"Yeah, you might be right. Man, it's so easy to have a conversation with this troll!"

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