Chapter 148

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Chapter 148

[You begin your Rest.]

[Your Key Location Rest is starting.]

[Break 9. Illia Overcame the Crisis]

[Break 9. 'Illia Overcame the Crisis'

Illia, one of the largest cities in Nevenia, had been plagued by a series of murders perpetrated by a ruthless knight. With each new victim, Illia's consumption and tax revenue suffered a severe decline.

The citizens despaired, feeling that the city's walls were insufficient to shield them from the looming threat. Doubts even arose regarding the competence of Earl Brispin, the city's true ruler.

However, through Earl Brispin's pragmatic and determined actions, the city managed to corner the murderer and ultimately defeat him, thanks in large part to the efforts of a courageous adventurer.

However, this danger was also an opportunity.

The public now sings praises of Earl Brispin's leadership and the heroism of the new savior of Illia.

As the city enjoys the celebration, fatigue recovery rate increases, price of goods decreases, and favorability from citizens is gained at an increased rate.

Adventurers must take plenty of rest and training here, or at another rest location, before preparing for the next Adventure.

Objective: Rest and maintenance.

You will be tired upon failure.

Remaining Time: [About 30 days]]

"Hahahaha! He destroyed it in such a grand way!"

"Has the materials issue been resolved?"

"The Lord is taking care of it, so we should be alright."

"It's going to be a busy two weeks."

Life returned to the city.

The transferees found it strange that the city's residents celebrated so enthusiastically simply because their worries had vanished. Nonetheless, they joined in the festivities wholeheartedly.

And the community, like the festivities, was livelier than before.

[(NEW) [<SeaofFire>'s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: The unluckiest guy in the world.]

The guy who got all hyped about the Sudden Adventure and jumped over the wall, only to get his head cut off instantly LMFAOOO.

- Seriously, he should have at least waited a second or two LMFAO

- He couldn't wait LOL

- I waited two at least :)]

[(NEW) [<Rasenshuriken>'s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: Honestly, if you have any conscience whatsoever...]

You shouldn't make fun of the guys who were pissing their pants behind the wall LMFAOO. They were super pathetic, though.

- Some people even said we shouldn't help whatsoever in case the Black Knight turns this way LOL

- There were people like that? 😳

- R-right? 😳]

[(NEW) [<Heallary Clinton>'s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: To those guys who just hide behind the wall, honestly...]

The restoration workers complained about some kind of ammonia smell when they were cleaning... Did you guys piss yourselves?

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