Chapter 194

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Chapter 194

[Adventure 25-1. 'Like Master Like Rat'

You have stumbled into a trap!

The maze was designed as an inescapable trap from the start, with large grave rats operating it from behind the scenes. These creatures, known for establishing their territories in ruins and ancient graves, thrive by absorbing mana from valuable treasures.

Currently, an endless swarm of fattened, bloated grave rats are charging at you. It seems that it has been quite some time since their last prey.

Why did the tomb's owner release so many grave rats? Or did the owner perhaps never anticipate them to grow this much?

You must stand firm unless you want your final memory to be of these voracious rats tearing your body to shreds with their fangs, greedily feasting upon your flesh.

Objective: Kill the grave rats or escape from them to safety.

Remaining Time [About 2 days]]

'...There's so many of them.'

Humans often fear life forms much smaller than themselves, like flying insects or swarms of rats.

It was an instinctual fear.

This instinctual fear, driven by the understanding that even the tiniest organisms could possess weapons capable of threatening them.

And it was for those exact reasons those large, fattened rats disgusted Seol even more.

Squeak... squeak squeak...

Not to mention their incessant, grating squeaks, which only add to Seol's disgust.

Seol stepped back behind Karen and read through the particularly larger grave rat's information.

[[Giant Grave Rat]

Rank: Heroic

Estimated Level: 29~35

Grave rats burrow into the ground in search of tombs and ruins, earning them the moniker "grave robber rats." They do so as it allows them easy access to valuable items to absorb mana from.

This rat serves as an example of how large a grave rat can become with a continuous supply of mana.

Basic Skills: [Rat Swarm, Attack!], [Put On Airs 2], [Eat Treasures 3], [Transmit Disease 5], [Gnaw 5]

Unique Skills: [Passive: Awful Smell 3]]

Squeak... squeak squeak...

- I'm hopping off the stream for a bit.

- I think I'm going to throw up... 🤢 I remember the spider cave being awful too.

- This is awful in a different way...


[Giant Grave Rat used Rat Swarm, Attack!]

[All grave rats within a certain radius have Awful Smell's range slightly increased and a 100% chance to transmit diseases upon a successful Gnaw.]

Squeak squeak!

A swarm of rats began racing toward Seol, causing the ground to tremble as if a mass of boulders were charging at him.

Ur made a remark.

- Hm... the ground is unstable. You should avoid a large fight if you can.



Karen and Koko positioned themselves between Seol to shield him from the oncoming swarm.

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