Chapter 14

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The evening had finally come and all the TBOAH people could finally get together to talk about their discovery although only Rosalyn seemed to be well and in a good mood. She looked at the others critically.

Alberu was sitting on his bed staring at the floor, he was in a bad state it seemed like his conversation with TCF Alberu didn't go very well... well she still remembered what he had said at the table rather aptly to TCF Cale and she hadn't participated in the entire conversation. She can imagine what other stupid things he could have said.

TBOAH Choi han was in a worse state than TBOAH Alberu and well he had beaten TCF Cale and from what she could see it was already lucky that he was alive.

Even the molans didn't look very good and God knows it takes a lot for them to shock them...

Lock looked sad and slightly angry, she also knew about his family. He must blame himself for their deaths.

She just sighed, alerting TBOAH Alberu who had already felt his gaze on her. He looked up at her then frowned at her normal state, she even looked like she could smile.

From her conversation with TCF Rasalyn she was able to learn more about her friends, Choi han was consumed by revenge and anger. Alberu was becoming inhuman, for a future king it is rather worrying that only the start of the war made him like this. Lock was just a kid who grew up too fast and unfortunately they tend to forget it too quickly. The Molans only seek revenge, there is no other reason why they follow them.

The TCF people seem to be a happy and normal family while they looked like a messy group and full of problems. She really hopes that TCF Cale can help them, she would be willing to help him in return for his help. Of course nothing is free in life.

"Did you have a good day?"

She was brought out of her thoughts with the questions from the crown prince.

"A normal day and you?"

He frowned even more as she clearly saw his state, she still asked the question.

" Were you able to learn things that could help us? This question is valid for all of you"

Lock spoke first.

"...the young master saved part of my family, TCF Lock is not alone..."

He quickly lowered his head after saying it, Rosalyn went to his bed to hug him. It was the first time she did it for the teenager but he didn't refuse and hugged her back. Alberu didn't even pay attention to the wolf or look at the others.

"*sigh* Our doubles managed to recover our assassin household in addition to having new successors, TCF Cale has a lot to do with it too..."

"TCF Choi han has a different aura that makes him stronger in addition to having something to protect. He became stronger because someone helped him..." No one needed more detail to know who he was talking about.

"TCF Alberu showed me the capital, all races can live there, he even became emperor. I haven't been able to get any other information about the war, all he said was that he made TCF Cale commander and that he did a lot of crazy things for win. They are stingy with information, they give us nothing. Apart from making fun of us by telling us about their achievement with the presence of TCF Cale Henituse. We have to find a way to get them to talk or talk to him directly. But it would be best to have him with us..."

Although the others agreed, they didn't say anything only TBOAH Rosalyn looked at them blankly.

"And you have nothing to say?" TBOAH Alberu it's focused on her again.

"No, TCF Rosalyn didn't tell me anything important"

Of course it was a lie, she just told him not to let them know.

" Why do you seem to be in such a good mood then, do you think we are on vacation?! Our world is at stake here, we don't have time to have fun! "

"Do you think I'm stupid ? Although, you all seem more stupid than me..."

The last part was said in a whisper but they heard it all clearly.

" Pardon ?" Alberu asked him first.

"TCF Cale has never refused to talk to us, he said he will once we prove to him that we are worth it."

" Who tells you he really will?! Since we've been here, they've only seemed to make fun of us. By showing us all their success while our world is on the path to destruction! "

TBOAH Rosalyn just sighed and ignored them.

The next day she asked to see TCF Cale to talk to him. And with the support of her double she was able.

"Hello, so what do you want?" TCF Cale to ask.

" I would like to apologize for the behavior ment of my companions. They are stupid and completely blinded. TBOAH Choi han should not have touched you in addition to the other young master. TCF Rosalyn talked to me a little about all this, I understand your anger too. And I would like to exchange with you. "

Cale nodded letting her continue.

"I pledge to protect TBOAH Cale Henituse in exchange for information to help our world"

"Would you be willing to make a death wish for that?"

"Yes, I would if you want."

TCF Cale smiled it seemed that someone from the TBOAH world was still to be saved.

"Very well, I accept. You can make a death wish afterwards. I don't want anyone to think about touching TBOAH Cale Henituse. I haven't said everything about myself yet so I want you to do that first."

She of course accepted.

" How are the others ?" He asked but he could hear a tired sigh.

"I'm sorry, but they don't seem to understand.TBOAH Alberu continues on these same words."

Cale didn't say anything, he knew his brother was stubborn in any dimension. Well too bad it's just a matter of time with the others. They knew TBOAH Rosalyn wouldn't pose too much of a problem once she spoke with her double. She was intelligent and not blinded by her emotions. Well, she's also the only one who hadn't lost too much, for the moment.

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