Chapter 27

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"You tried to use the children against me didn't you? Are really you that stupid?" Cale looked at the crown prince as he approached him. He didn't use any power at the moment, he didn't need it as his anger spoke for him.

"Don't come any closer, we just wanted to stop you. You are crazy and dangerous" Choi han took out his sword and it stood between Cale and the crown prince.

"And you think it's fair, aren't you supposed to be the hero?" Cale didn't care about him, he simply continued on his way.

"We do what's best to survive even if it's not right!"

"Do what you want but never include my children!" Cale sent the swordsman flying a few meters until his body hit a tree. This obviously wasn't enough to render him unconscious just slightly injuring him.

The Molan duo took their place but unlike Choi Han who was determined, they seemed more hesitant.

"And you agreed with that?" Cale looked at Rosalyn and Lock, he was waiting for their response that could influence his future decisions to help them or not.

"No, he just asked me where the golden dragon was. He told me it was to ask for his help in the war, nothing more, I didn't know. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have." She bowed to apologize and he could see Lock doing the same.

"So I'm sorry that you found yourself in this world and being asked to fight again, your anger is understandable." Rosalyn spoke again, she said everything she had wanted to say for a while.

Eruhaben remained still with these words, it's a strange formulation, where does this redhead come from for this woman to speak of another world? This guy seems interesting. The dragon's eyes fell on Cale who could feel its gaze as if he could see through his soul. Of course he ignored him, he will talk to the gold dragon later.

Cale was calm as he looked at her.

"I always knew you were intelligent Miss Rosalyn. Well I agree to help you when you ask me but that only applies to you and Lock I wouldn't do anything for the others.

They both smiled at Cale, they were relieved at this.

"Thank you very much, young master."

Cale ignored him but they knew he was listening all the same. He looked at the others, Alberu and Choi Han were a lost cause for him, the Molans he didn't know yet. He would have to judge their behavior later; he had something more important to do here.

He used his instant power to walk past annoying people before punching the crown prince in the face and peacefully returning to his place.

No one understood what had just happened except the prince who had a slightly red cheek and Cale henituse who was shaking his hand.

"It's less painful than last time but certainly more satisfying." Cale smiled, sighing at the pain in his hand quickly healed by his power.

He turned away from the prince to return to his children and the curious golden dragon.

"Eruhaben-nim let me offer you some tea or something to drink, I would like to chat with you a little."

The ancient dragon accepted, he hoped to learn more about this redhead who had just shown a power he had never seen anywhere.

They both turned around to enter the villa leaving the heroes outside.

" Wait ! If you apologize for what you have already done, I will forget everything and I will apologize in turn. Isn't that a good thing for both of us?" Alberu tried even though he was upset for what Cale dared to do to a person like him but he still had to do something to try to calm this crazy person down.

Rosalyn next to him looked at him like he was an idiot.

" No." Cale didn't even go back to talk to him, they just entered the villa.

They both took a seat in the living room with a cup of tea in hand.

"Are you from another world?" Eruhaben asked directly what he was interested in.

"More like from another dimension similar to this one. I took this body, for the moment I was going home once everything is calm here. And before you ask how that's possible, it's a god's fault. »

"Do you know the gods?"

"I wish I didn't but they love me too much. » Cale sounded really exhausted as he said it. Surprising the dragon, normally it is an honor for a human to be a god's favorite but the one in front of him saw it more as a chore or a burden.

"What do you plan to do in this world?" They said you were dangerous. »

"Nothing much, just relax and enjoy."

Eruhaben didn't believe it at all but he didn't ask, it was none of his business.

"I have something to ask you. Once I'm gone, I can't take care of the dragon and the person who owns this body."Cale knew that the Eruhaben of his world was a solitary person but seemed to enjoy company. And his desire to live which he finds selfish. He must do something for himself.

"And why would I do something like that? I'm an old dragon, I don't have much time left."

"I know, that's why I have a solution to offer you, I know how to extend your time if you promise to take care of these two people."

"I'm already 1000 years old, I don't want to live any longer." Eruhaben looked at the redhead with conviction but Cale knew that wasn't completely true.

"You're lying, you know your counterpart said the same thing the first time we met but he ended up changing his mind."

The golden dragon said nothing about it. His double must be an idiot or a selfish person.

"I'm sure I can change your mind."

The dragon huffed but remained silent.

"Would you perhaps like to stay a little with me, this villa is very big and there is no one there except the children and me. I'm also sure that my powers interest you."

He couldn't say otherwise he was very interested in this strange human.

"I don't want to stay, I have my own house. »

"Hmm, the elf village of Ten Finger Mountain is going to be attacked, would you like to come and help me perhaps?"

Eruhaben's eyes became different, he was angry.

"An organization wants to recover or destroy the branch of the world tree present in this village."

"Explain to me, why and how you know?"


A few days later as planned, Cale, accompanied by two dragons and two cats, found themselves in the elf village. They came a day before the attack, Cale knew roughly when it took place in his world, it was when he first met Pendrix.

Unfortunately for Cale there was an additional variable, during his first fight on this mountain, there were two highest ranking members of the organization, a spearman and a person who can controls animals but this time there was also directly the head of the organization.

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