Chapter 23

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Although before that he had certain things to do.

Like in his world he had sent a message to help Taylor but with something extra in the message. He tells her to be wary of the crown prince and not to trust him. Of course Taylor still agreed to meet him in exchange for something to heal his legs but without promising his allegiance to the crown prince. Taylor decided to trust this so-called messenger, he was desperate he would do anything to regain his place even if he lied to the crown.

Cale needs to contact him as soon as possible, in exchange for his help he had to ask for something more. He put on his long coat before making the call.

"Hello Taylor. "

" Hello, who are you ? " He was intrigued by this call and did not intend to answer at first but this stranger had left a message. It was similar to the one he received near the rock towers and no one was supposed to know except him and Cage besides the person who wrote the message. He might have the chance to meet his benefactor and thank him.

"Directly I see, I won't tell you. But I have something to ask in return for my help. "

"Of course, ask. " Normally he wouldn't trust a stranger but this stranger had already helped him and he had a strange feeling that he could trust her.

"Can I borrow your brother for a little while?"

"My brother Vénion? "

" Yes. "

" Why ? " He frowned at this request.

"He hurt someone who is expensive, I want revenge but I wouldn't hurt him, well not directly. "

"Are you going to kill him? " Even if he hated his brother, he was still his family.

"Not me but there's a chance he'll get killed, that shouldn't bother you considering what he did to you, he wouldn't have hesitated to kill you. Plus he's involved in a terrorist organization so he'll end up rotting in a prison so he might as well be useful for something. "

The words were harsh but it was true and what's more his brother seems involved in other bad things, he certainly deserves what happened to him.

" Alright. Do what you want and thanks for your help. "

The person on the other side just nodded and cut off the call.

Well all he had to do was go get Venions and lock him up somewhere. Very simple.

Second part of his plan he had to go to the envoy of the kingdom of Roan which was going towards the empire. It seems that the crown prince has won the right to go there, contrary to the original chronology of this world, so much the better for him, it will make his work easier.

He took the appearance of Venions to take part in sending it, he played on the marquis's connections to get it accepted. It was very easy, he pledged the allegiance of the Stan family to the crown prince who accepted even though he knew that this family was crazy. It was war, all means are good, even the worst. He did not question the Stan's choice to change the support of the prince, he had gained in prestige since the attack on the place it is normal for people who seek to gain the favors of the crown to change in favor of the closer to the throne.

Arriving in the empire, he was able to meet the person he was looking for directly, Crown Prince Adin.

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