Chapter 18

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"*sigh* Okay..." Cale sighed tiredly.

He was then back in the real world.

Once he wakes up, he just closes his eyes and hopes they'll leave him alone. He didn't want to deal with other things now.

"I know you're awake..."

" No. Let me sleep. "

The ancient dragon didn't respond other than sigh, Cale can seem like a child sometimes.

"You already missed dinner, at least come have lunch with us."

"I'm not hungry, I just want to sleep..."

Eruhaben looked at Cale wondering how his life could have ended like this, taking care of children...

"I'll call Ron, he's already made some fresh tea for you."

With these words Cale immediately got up to get ready and went downstairs for breakfast. He didn't know why but since his discussion with the god of death he had a bad feeling.

His family noticed that he was unusually tense, the first time since the end of the war.

  "Dongsaong, is there something you haven't told us?" Alberu asked, since the stabbing they promised each other not to give up in front of Cale's strange attitudes before having an explanation for his behavior.

"Hmm, no. "

No one believed his answer, even though he was a good liar their instincts told them something was wrong here.

"Cale" Eruhaben tried in turn.

"*sigh* You're not going to give up, are you? "

"No" Alberu's direct response told him he had no choice in answering.

Cale then explained to them what the god of death told him about the unknown god.

"We will not let this god do what he wants. " Choi han was firm on his answer.

"I will kill this god if he harms you human!" The little dragon who was previously busy eating responded, the other children were of the same opinion.

"Of course this isn't the first time you've fought a god. "Eruhaben agreed with this. The others quickly expressed their agreement.

"*sigh* we-"

Cale stopped talking before frowning, his family looked at him worriedly but he couldn't pay attention to them, a voice he didn't know spoke to him in his head.

'Hello, I'm not going to introduce myself since someone already did it for me but I adore you you know! I've seen all your adventures and everything you've done since you came into this world! Unfortunately since everything is peaceful now I'm bored so I decided to change that. What do you say to start again but differently in their world, you want to help them don't you? So everyone would be a winner! '

'No, I want to do it my way. '

' Come on ! Please, then I will leave you alone forever. '

In front of the god's voice, he could imagine the look of a beaten dog, but he didn't want to give in.

'I just want to rest.'

'It won't last as long as last time I can help you and make you even stronger, without suffering anything you just have to have fun in their world.'

Cale wanted to answer him but a hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts.

"Cale?" Alberu had approached him.

" I-"

'Okay, I'll take your silence as a yes! I will teleport you right away, your body will be unconscious in this world. I will give you the rest of the instructions when you are in your body there, see you later! '

After those words ended, he felt his body faint and worried voices echo around him but he could do nothing but close his eyes.

He woke up in a place he knew with a familiar person.

"Hello young master, your butler told me that you love lemon tea."

Cale looked in horror at the person next to him and where he was.

Ron Molan was there and he was back in the Henituse estate, he woke up like the first time he came to this world.

'Looks like everything went well, I took you back to the beginning. And all the people who came to your world are there too with their memories. Your ancient powers are there too and your abilities, only the counter-blow has disappeared I will take the effects in your place unfortunately there is always a balance to respect but I will take everything in your place both the physical damage and all the chaos that you're going to talk here. A great show will be well worth it, good luck!'

  Cale didn't say anything, he was incredibly annoyed why can't he just be quiet?! All this made him angry, she wants entertainment, she's going to have it!

Cale looked at the annoying butler with him, that's not his Ron...

"Can you leave, I'd like to rest more?" He asked kindly with a smile but a cold feeling surrounded him.

"I'm sorry, young master but I'm sure the others will arrive soon too. It would be more useful to talk about all this. "

"I don't want to talk! Leave or I'll do it myself. "His eyes didn't look away from the butler who didn't seem to want to move either.

"Well, I would have warned you. "

Cale summoned his ancient power of wind to open the bedroom door and kick out the butler.

If his family was with them he would tell them to be careful a bored and angry Cale was more dangerous than any enemy.


Any opinions on this new plot which no longer has anything to do with the original idea? Although I created this story to only make a scene I wanted to see. But it ended up like this one way or another...

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