Chapter 28

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"This guy is strong." Eruhaben spoke to Cale as he looked at the person present with a mask in the air, he seemed to only be observing the situation and not fighting like the others.

"I'm going to go and talk a little with my old friend." Cale said with a smile.

The dragon just frowned, this person clearly seemed to be an enemy rather than an ally.

"Protect the village, I'll take care of this one." Cale went to join the white star while Eruhaben and the kittens went to take care of the other two subordinates.

" Good morning, how are you doing?"

"You are strange, no one salutes an enemy before fighting them."

"I didn't come to fight but rather to talk peacefully, I would like to offer you some tea but given the situation it's a little difficult."

White Star was baffled by the person in front of him, he had come here in order to meet the man who had killed a high-ranking mage so easily. He though that maybe he could make a new subordinate, he needed talent to make his plans come true. But the person in front of him seemed weak even though he possessed several ancient powers; his plate was large but fragile.

He took out his sword and infused it with fire, everything happened very quickly, he attacked Cale who summoned his shield without flinching with only one hand. No scratches were left on the shield, maybe it was not that weak.

"You are strong, how is it possible your plate is so weak?"

" The gods." Cale said with a shrug. While the white star seemed to be angry with slight fear.

"Don't worry, it's not the god of death, that one is completely useless."

His expression changed from angry to rather playful but Cale knew he couldn't have such a feeling. Maybe it's interesting to see a used pawn appear, let's think about it like that.

"Will you join me? I need strong and competent people. Helpful people are rare these days." He watched his two minions below get beaten by the gold dragon with disgust.

"Why should I join you, do you have anything interesting to offer me?" Cale looked at him without interest.

"Hmm, I heard that you have some disagreements with people from the Kingdom of Roan. I can help you get revenge."

" How do you know?"

"I know a lot of people."

" Of course, of course. Why not? I have nothing to do after all. But isn't it too simple, a simple invitation and I could betray you later."

"That's unfortunately true, hmm how about killing one of the people you came with. Cats are simpler than two dragons."

Cale didn't lose his smile, it was something expected.

"Sorry but I can't do it. They are my family but you shouldn't know this kind of feeling, right?"

The white star frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, someone sending terrorists to destroy a kingdom or a village shouldn't have that kind of feeling right, nothing more."

His frown hasn't gone away. He felt like he was being made fun of.

"But I'm sure you need me too, your dream is to become a god. You don't know how to do it, do you? You no longer have contact with the Seal God or the Demon World."

" How do you know?"

"I told you, the gods, I am in contact with them." Cale said it like it was nothing.

"Why would you help me? I don't trust you." He was very suspicious, how could he not be?

"You're right, don't trust me. You did say no, I need help to get revenge and I plan to do it in the best way possible. And you can help me."

Honestly he could do it alone but it would have been less interesting.

"Very good but at the slightest suspicion of betrayal. I will kill everyone you care about, do you understand?"

He held out his hand to validate their deal. Cale accepted the handshake. This made him smile unconsciously as he remembered the last time he did this with the white star.

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