Chapter 31

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Returning to Cale.

He resumed his appearance as a Guard to walk around the imperial palace and greet everyone.

Roan's envoy was like for the first time present in the palace, they were discussing how their visible was going and what they could do to help Roan make this visible to the empire.

This is before a guard came into the room, all conversations stopped and their eyes fell on the opening door. They were all intrigued as the crown prince turned pale. This guy's presence is never good.

"So, are you having a good stay?" He entered, closing the door behind him, his smile was becoming a smirking at his words.

They all quickly realized who was there, Choi han was already about to take his sword out of it's sheath. The others just stayed behind in silence, Cale looked at them, he didn't know if they had finally understood that they couldn't do anything against him or if they were just afraid. He's not going to complain, it was less tiring that way.

"I came to see how you are doing, you don't seem to be making any effort to save your world. I'm working hard for you." He yawned to show his point of view.

He could see Choi han and the crown prince becoming unhappy at his words.

" What-"

" What are you doing here ?" Alberu asked with a scowl on his face. He hadn't moved from his place on the couch like the others as he erupted into the room.

"I'm just walking around." He responded as if nothing had happened but no one was buying his bullshit.

"Stop making fun of us!" The prince was becoming more and more irritated by the redhead's behavior.

"A simple stroll, and explosive!" He said it with emphasis on the last word, with a look and expression that screamed pure joy.

Everyone in the room froze after waiting for this, the smile on Cale's face grew.

"What did you-"

"Nothing is a surprise." He left the room after finishing his speech. Choi han wanted to pursue him but was stopped by the crown prince.

"We have no time to waste, we must find out what he is planning. Otherwise relations between our two kingdoms risk worsening."

"There is no way to do it..." The assassin butler replied to the prince as a master in the field, he knew it was impossible to do. How can you find out where a person was if they constantly change their appearance?

Leaving the others in chaos, Cale returned to his villa, he had taken the little black dragon with him and left ancient one at home.

Eruhaben had seen Cale come back with a huge smile on his face, he wanted to ask the reason for it but he was cut off by a strange proposition.

"Will you come with me to destroy a madman's house? Or his whole kingdom, we never know if it has spread elsewhere." The ending was whispered but he heard it well.

" What are you talking about ?"

"We are just going to erase a kingdom from the map, simple." Cale said it like it was no big deal.

Eruhaben looked at him with a frown, why would a human do that?

"Are you coming or not? I can do it without you. I still have a party I must be at in the evening." Cale said as he walked away.

The ancient dragon followed him sighing, he must keep an eye on him.

The children decided to come with the two adults when they heard that they were going to do fun things.

They are now above the Sekka estate in the sky awaiting the redhead's actions. He went to check that Clopeh Sekka was indeed present otherwise it would be useless.

Cale quickly returned to them.

"It's okay, we can start."

"What exactly do you want to do?" The ancient dragon asked again to be sure.

"Destroy them all, simple." Cale thought that maybe age was catching up with the dragon but he said nothing.

"Just this house?" He asked, pointing to the area behind Cale.

"No, the whole kingdom. Come on, I already told you. Do you have some memory problem?" Cale asked, frowning in worry.

" Why? You may have a disagreement with someone but is it worth destroying their entire kingdom?" Eruhaben may have been a dragon but even he had morals. These people didn't do anything, they don't deserve to die.

"To make sure this crazy guy didn't infect anyone else. And it can be funny." Cale shrugged his shoulders as he said it.

'Are you sure this is a good idea, won't you have all these deaths on your conscience?' The god asked hesitantly.

'It's not my world, I don't care.'

'They are still living beings.'

'Are you going to stop me?'

'Not really but I don't want you to take something away.'

'What a thoughtful god you are.' The sarcasm was very evident here but the god was simply silenced.

Cale then looked at the hesitant dragon.

"He did not hesitate to kill."

"Just because a bad person does it doesn't mean you have to do like him." Eruhaben was starting to get tired of this conversation. It looks like he's scolding a child, preventing him from doing something stupid, except that the scale is clearly higher. Even with the baby dragons he had to take care of he never had this kind of conversation...

"Just go back to the villa, if you don't want to be here." Cale is turned away from them.

Sighing the ancient dragon sent the reluctant children away, they were to have a conversation with them later.

He dispersed his mana almost everywhere except on the Sekka domain. Protecting the inhabitants.

"Do what you want."

He could just see Cale nod and begin to prepare his powers.

Cale's family was able to observe a joyful spectacle, unlike their faces, it was colored.

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