Chapter 25

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They immediately seized the assailant, who strangely let him do so. He simply shouted incomprehensible things using Roan's name. It was the only word that was heard by everyone.

The Saint was called to treat the prince, everything happened very quickly Adin was taken to safety to receive appropriate care while Cale was taken to prison with magical restrictions as handcuffs.

He will certainly be tortured to obtain revenge for the prince and to find out his objective.

Once taken to the dungeons, Cale called the little dragon that had followed him but who he had asked to remain silent.

"Can you take this off from me, oh and please don't destroy it?" He showed the handcuffs which were carefully removed.

"Thank you, dragons really are the best." He could see it flap its wings and become joyful.

"One more thing, can you bring Venion here?"

"Why isn't he ours?" He looked angry.

"Don't worry, he'll get what he deserves, just differently. You believe me, don't you?"

"Of course human!" the little dragon was gone, he returned with a tied up and unconscious Venion.

Cale put the handcuffs back on Venion removing all the restraints and exiting the prison to close the door on Venion before asking the dragon to remove the sleeping magic.

" Where I am?! Who are you?!" He looked a mess when he woke up before appearing angry.

"The empire, a nice little stay for you. »

" What? Hey!"  He continued to shout but Cale was already out.

He took on the appearance of one of the guards who had locked him up earlier.

'What are you going to do now?' The little dragon asked in Cale's mind.

"More chaos I imagine."

He got no response after that, the dragon was just curious about his human's plans.

In the corridors, he heard that all the people coming from Roan were taken back to their rooms while waiting to shed light on the current situation.

"can you make me invisible please." at the end of his words his body disappeared to blend into the mass.

He joined the prince imperial's room, there were many guards and the palace was under high protection after the incident. He waited for an opportunity to present itself so he could enter the room. Fortunately, a doctor entered the room and he was able to slip in before the door closed.

He had to wait a good hour before everyone went into the prince's room to confirm his condition once they were sure he was recovering, everyone went out to let him rest alone the guards were always present outside.

He approached the bed before making a sign to the dragon to make him appear.

" Good morning."

Cale could see the prince opening his eyes to look at him in horror after recognizing him.

"You again! you want it to be the end!" he tried to move away but was stopped by the head of the bed.

"I want you to work for me. I already know that you are a pawn of the White Star, I want you to be mine too. »

" For what?" At this point, Adin no longer had a choice but to listen to Cale.

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