Chapter 20

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-But because it's not happening! And you're going to kill innocent people! Super rock was beginning to be afraid of Cale's new trends. It seemed that the unrestricted powers had gone to his head, he was afraid that he would destroy this world...

-Hmm that's not wrong, thanks for reminding me.

-You should especially try to calm down, before causing another unnecessary major incident.

-I'm very calm and I'm not going to do that.

Cale got no response from the old powers. His focus returned to the people in front of him who were looking at him questioningly.

"If you leave me alone then."

Ron then went out to warn the Count and Tasha to find the nearest mage to teleport them directly to Alberu's room. He himself had asked for it. She didn't question his words even if he seemed a little different the last few days, maybe darker and stressed... she wasn't sure, but he was still her nephew.

Once teleported to the room Cale didn't bother to introduce himself or say anything he just lay on the couch in the room.

"Welcome young master..."

"Avoid long boring sentences right away, I'm not in the mood. So don't even think about making me your servant or your dog."

Tasha was going to open her mouth to explain her dissatisfaction with the young master's words in front of her nephews but Alberu stopped her, she was really perplexed by his attitude.

" It was not my intention."

"Of course" Alberu could sense the sarcasm evident in Cale's words.

"We don't need more information since you're here now. And as promised I will offer you anything you want in exchange for your help but you will always be free."

A noise made him jump, he could see leaves flying in his room. Cale had destroyed one of his many piles of documents.

"Find Choi han and make him your lackey and forget about me."

"We already did this in the original column but it was not successful."

He could hear his aunt's astonishment, he had not had time to explain to her. He will do it later.

"And from what I know, the people who matter to you are also here."

"No, this is not my world."

"Of course, but I don't think you're the type to let children die in front of your eyes."

Cale looked at Alberu.

"I didn't do anything to them, but if the world were to be destroyed, they would die with it."

"You are right but I can protect them and let the enemy destroy the rest I will then kill them too and just rebuild everything. After all, when a world is going bad, destroying everything to start again can be a solution."

"I don't think you can do it, honestly, I've seen you cough up blood from your own powers."

Cale smiled at this, he summoned a flicker of his ancient power into his palm to show the crown prince.

"I had a little improvement in my powers, do you want to experience it?"

Alberu couldn't take his eyes off the dancing power lazing on the young master's hand. He felt the destructive powers of this ancient power.

" Improvement?"  That's the only question he could ask.

"Yeah, no more backlash, no more blood. I can do whatever I want." Cale smiled wider from the couch as the crown prince shivered.

At this, he suppressed his power and looked calmly at the ceiling.

"If you have nothing more to say, I'm leaving. I'm quite busy. Try to deal with others, I don't want anything to do with them and don't try to find me or look for me. If you could send me back to where you found me that would be great."

Cale got up from the couch and waited to be sent away, the crown prince using his own magic to do so in front of his aunt.

Once the young master left, she spoke again.

" Who is this person? it's the young master Cale Henituse but he seems more dangerous than a simple alcoholic. What's happening?" Tasha looked at her nephew waiting for an explanation. Alberu had no choice but to explain to her. By the end of the conversation, she seemed more than a little disturbed.

"Our world is going to be destroyed!"

Alberu guided her to the sofa to sit down before setting up a sound barrier around them.

" Calm down, the others don't have to know."

"It's hard to stay calm in this situation !"

"I know but we have new hope. We already know what will happen in the capital and the start of the war. We can already do something and I am convinced that he will not sit idle either. Let's try to do that already."

Tasha didn't seem any more reassured, she wanted to try to catch up with the young master and make him do something.

"There's nothing we can do to be sure..."

"I already tried, he didn't want to hear anything." He fell onto the couch next to her.

"How can we be like that?!"  She seemed frustrated.

Alberu agreed with her of course.


Beta reader found on this story and another. I'm looking for someone on my story Good luck.

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