Chapter 20 - Crazy

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Author's Note: Thank you guys for your patience! The Design project was a big success and everything went great.  Thank you for your well-wishes!

Please note, that for those who aren't followers, I do update my conversation log if there is a posting delay for whatever reason. My goal is two chapters a week, but I strive for at least one chapter (from either story) no matter what, and I've been pretty good at keeping that. I will finish these stories so long as I have the ability to.

I'm shooting to have chapter 3 of Wife Forgotten out by Sunday. Happy Thursday, everyone!

Also, I recommend a second song for this chapter: "Alaska" by Caitlyn Smith.


Beau's hand firmly holds my waist as he leads me through a quick waltz

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Beau's hand firmly holds my waist as he leads me through a quick waltz. Color me surprised because Beau is quite the dancer. I've clearly underestimated the man, figuring he was mostly brawn, but he seems to have quite a few tricks up his sleeve and I'm starting to understand why Penny is obsessed with the man.

The past few days have been a whirlwind with people arriving for the festival, including Beau and Penny's parents. I thought this little sibling charade we've been playing would have been blown to smithereens upon their arrival, but to my surprise, they went along with it without question. I think that's when I realized, truly realized, that this place is beyond a shadow of a doubt crazy.

"Don't look," Beau says for only my ears, "but Prince Charming looks like he wants to rip my jugular out with his teeth." My eyes dart up to Beau's. The giant, amused smile confuses me.

"And that makes you happy?" I ask.

He squeezes me closer. "You have no idea. The unhappier Daniel is, the more points I get with Penny. The more points I get, the happier I am."

My brows furrow. If I'm honest, I don't want to know the details of what that statement means, so I disregard that statement entirely. "And you and Penny are doing okay? This little ... well, whatever this is isn't getting in the way of you two, right?"

Beau's smile turns smarmy. "We've never been better, Lottie-Dah. You don't have to worry about us." He ends the sentence with a wink. "In fact, I have several packages of Moon Pies hidden out back. I've got plans ..." He suggestively flexes his eyebrows. I most certainly know what he means. "If you want one, I can get you one before I put them to good use if you know what I mean--"

"No. Absolutely not. I want nothing to do with your cookies, Beau ... ever."

"Your loss," he says with a shrug. His arm rises and he leads me into a spin. "Do you trust me, Lottie?"

"Yes..." I say hesitantly, not sure where this line of conversation is coming from and knowing, with Beau, it can go in so many dangerous directions. "Good, because you're about to get me the mother-load of points."

I shouldn't. It's a bad idea. It would be a mistake, but the words fly out of my mouth before I can stop myself, "What, exactly, gets you the mother-load of points?"

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