Pursuing Silva 2

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At the Diner Lala ordered for seafood pastas, a 9-inch vegetarian De Lux pizza, champagne and cheesecakes. She was thirty minutes early since she was very nervous and excited at the same time. Lala didn't know what to do, so, she advised the waiter to wait for her date while she walks down to the ladies room to freshen up.

Silva took an hour changing from one dress to another until she managed to get a hold of a dark blue lace dress. The laces are on the arms and chest part. Its cut is above the knees and has sequences all over the breast part which is see-through from the chest area down to her back side. She didn't wear a bra to make it more sensual. Silva seldom wore dresses or gowns, only on special occasions, and, this is a very special occasion for her. Even though, she feels that Lala got something to do with Ramon's death, she is still hoping, praying, that the girl she's dating isn't really the killer or she'll never forgive herself for pretending that everything is alright, with whatever happened with that poor bartender.

Anyway, Lala, isn't here yet. Hmm...where could she be?, Silva thought when she arrived at the reception area and asked for the table reserved for her and Lala. The waiter saw me sit down our table and advised that Lala would be here in a while since she needed to go to the ladies room.

Ha...ahhhh..ha..ahhhhhh!!! I can't breathe. Stop, stop, you son of a bitch! Laura, stop it!, Lala said while holding her own neck with both hands about to choke herself while looking at the ladies room mirror. You bitch, stop it. I like Silva and I won't hurt her, Lala said to the mirror while choking herself in the process. I know, that's why you need to get a portion of her so that you'll always have her with you, no matter what happens!, Laura replied in a very persuasive tone. No!, I need to go there and meet her!, this has to stop, Laura! I'm not your puppet and I'm not a killer like you!, Lala said fixing her lipstick by adding more and putting more red on them.

Silva, hi!, Lala greeted the woman checking on her cell phone, then, pulling her face up to look at Lala, smiling. Hi!, Lala, right?. We meet again and now on an actual date. I'm happy to be here!, Silva replied shaking Lala's hand which made her speechless and astonished, thus, holding Silva's hand with both of hers tightly squeezing it a bit. Ah!! Wow!!! Silva, you're so beautiful!

Silva laughed and smiled, cheeks flushed. Uh!, can I have my hand back now?, Silva added. Oh yes, of course, certainly!, Lala said smiling back sheepishly and sat on her chair after Silva sat on hers.

I have ordered pasta, pizza, cheesecake and champagne. I hope they are just perfect for you on this romantic night?, Lala said with such gentleness.

Yes, that is...so...sweet of you!. Thanks! I want to say that in case I forget later, after....ah!, Silva said then became adamant while Lala smiled then gave her a mesmerizing look. Ah!, after, maybe we can come to your hotel or wherever we can talk or whatever you want to do to kill time, here!

Hmm!! Kill time, aye! Well, for starters, I want to be honest with you! When I like a girl or woman, I really see to it that she's well taken cared of up to the extent of extending the love and care in bed. But with you, since it's our first date and I hope we'll have another and more in the future, a kiss in the hand is okay with me, Lala explained and took Silva's hand and kissed it with a lick which sent shivers to Silva's nerves, spine and down to her heart. Her brain is telling her to be careful of Lala, but her heart is discarding the idea that Lala is the killer. With how sweet and gentle Lala is, she couldn't hurt or kill a person, even if she wanted to!, but what if? Silva is giving Lala all smiles but her mind is playing with thoughts on her date being a nice person in real life or maybe, the killer who is hiding in the face of an innocent and lovely girl who is just having a wonderful time, wonderful date with her, now!

Ahh!!! Stop it Silva. So, what are you doing, I mean, maybe, you work or go to school or something?

Yes, I do! I am a video creator and have projects here and there with prominent companies. I do commercials and create contents for clients, which is highly in demand these days since, consumers doesn't want to buy products on malls but on online shops. It pays good, so I stuck with it for years now! And how about you? I heard you are investigating that bar girl across my hotel. Poor girl! Huh!, Lala added sipping her glass of juice while munching the slice of pizza she took and cut using a knife on her plate.

Her eyeballs are rolling around and looking at her left and right sides. She seemed restless but calmed down when I held her hand which she suddenly placed on the table. Lala!, don't be nervous! I'm not a nosy person. I'm not here to judge you, so, don't worry!, I confirmed Lala and then she mellowed down smiling at me carelessly now. She held my hand, gripped it. When she felt safe, she brought my hand to her lips and kissed it, tears fell down from her eyes and cheeks.

I didn't know what happened and why Lala got emotional like that. As if Lala is confessing but what did she do? Maybe she felt she needed to do this with me and she has someone else or a girlfriend, back home. And where's home for her? I want to know more about Lala. There's this inner desire within that says, 'I want to help her, heal her'. What should I do to get through her, so that I can love her the right way, the way she needed to be loved, to be held, to be kissed, touched, and tasted. Ahh...taste, what the fuck? Silva?.

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