Little Lala

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I never thought I'd be living in a hell hole such as this. Ever since I ran away from that shit pervert step dad/uncle of mine I went from one town to another. I even ended up in an orphanage which I learned stuff about God and about being good. But that's not me. I hated being me and this condition I have until now. Laura seemed persistent to stay inside my head and wouldn't want to leave me alone, ever. Yet, she was the only one I had, I talked with when I didn't have anyone by my side in the worst times of my God forsaken life.

One time, I ended up in a Hung-min Taiwan ghetto and dumpsters. After I rode on a truck full of DHL Express delivery boxes and went on a plane to somewhere. There a syndicate Taiwanese guy called Ching, who gave me a job, persuaded me to do it in exchange of three meals a day. When the customer pays outright, I will get a Taiwanese dollar, which is a pretty good deal in the long run. The job is odd but easy, where I would ride with several Taiwanese and Chinese girls and boys holding packages. We deliver these packages to homes and I think these are food because they smelled good. Later I found out that I was working in a restaurant and many important people eat here when I was promoted to become a waitress instead of the kitchen where I usually break the plates and glasses I was supposed to carefully wash.

Then, I also knew that the Taiwanese noodles we were delivering aren't noodles but hot pots that have cocaine in them. When the Congie, the young man who acted as our wing man got busted by the authorities or Taiwan police, we were held under their custody and slept inside a prison cell for almost two days and three nights. Since we were all minors, the police sent us back to Russia and there I ran away the second time and met an anime creator who did Cos plays which I loved to join him every time he brought me to conferences in Moscow.

But when I turned 15 years old, Clive who became my instant daddy, died due to diabetes and I didn't know he was battling this illness, not until he told me when he was already lying terminally ill in the hospital. He made a promise to never leave me, but he lied. I got angry with him for leaving me. But I got angrier more to God. He always took the good people who loved me well. God is so selfish that he didn't want me to feel happy or live happy.

I learned the trade in video creations and later made my own contents and clients or companies bought them, one by one. Until these clients of mine came back and paid me handsome money, why I was able to buy me a two story house and a car. Clive is my dad and he will remain as such until the day I die. I made his last name Kusgow as mine so I felt like I'm his real daughter. I lied about my mom, but I don't actually remember her for she died when I was just a baby.

I never hurt anybody not until I accidentally watched Hannibal the movie. It was a classic film that made me love it because Jodie Foster was cute. Anyway, I found it interesting to dissect animals much as people and how their skin is so soft and smooth to touch and cut. Wow! You really can't explain the ecstasy, the rush I feel when a girl cries while she is hurting. The feeling is so captivating that when a girl is moaning, groaning in pain while I suck their nipples or vagina they would call my name while they cum in in glorious proportions. Which is the same when they fear or get hurt, they cry more and plead to make me stop what I'm doing or what I'm cutting.

But the emotion is mixed that makes me feel alive, human and capable of making a girl moan and cry at the same time. I felt so powerful, like a god in scalpel and knives. I am Laura when night comes and Lala during the day. But I feel scared to think that Laura gets to win every time she wanted to cut a girl or kill her. I don't like killing people, especially girls who I found special. Laura always gets jealous and takes away my happiness, my life all in all. Now, I won't let her take away Silva from me, even if I die trying to do so. I would protect her with my life.

Hey, Silva! Silva!, you awake?, Lyn said when Silva slept on the couch still wearing her dress and a bit drunk. Lyn! I am so sleepy, why wake me up, you bitch? 

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