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Twenty minutes went by as he just sat there observing us, with no words exchanged. Drake and I kept quickly glancing at each other, confused because he was supposed to be helping us right now. He's supposed to be telling us how to survive, which is his only job. Instead, he is sitting there inspecting us like we are already dead. I finally had enough of pondering in the silence. I told my family that I would try to win the games, and if I have any chance in that arena, I needed someone who had been there.

"Is that all you're going to do? Say we are going to die and then stare at us?" I put on an annoyed face and crossed my arms. Drake shot his head up at my remark, while Fitz sat there laughing to himself, confusing the two of us sitting on the couch."Honey, your best bet is to admit to yourself that you are in fact, already dead" he shrugged at us, causing Drake to scoff and shake his head.

Drake snapped at him, "Bullshit, I know our odds aren't high, but that's why we need you to help us," while jumping out of his seat beside me. He's right. Fitz knows how to play the game to win. I've heard about his games. My father would tell me about previous games and how the only victor from our district won his games by seeking out the careers one by one. He scored a ten on his evaluation. My father knew a weird amount about the games. When I became old enough, he would share the things he learned over the years.

"Woah, buddy, sit down," he said, putting his hand up with no emotion, while Drake just shook his head with irritation and walked away. It fell silent for a little while before I decided to speak up.

"I heard about your games" I utter the words quietly unsure if he would want to talk about it.

"And?" he nodded towards me. Most people hear different versions of a story; no one knows what happened.

"Let me guess what you've heard, Fitz Whitlock capitol's ex-darling, or did you hear about the monster?" He looks away.

"I heard that you were able to take down the whole career pack with a knife wedged in your back," I say, looking at him with a calculating stare. "And that you can help us fight"

"What makes you think you could win?" he asks, with a smug look on his face

"Because I am fast, I know how to hunt. My father taught me before he passed. I know how to use a spear. I can be charismatic," I listed frantically. "And I really need to come home," I said, defeated by the last one.

"even if that means killing someone, even Drake?" he says turning back to me, the thought of that decision makes my stomach sink

"you killed your district partner, right?" I ask. people tended to avoid Fitz in District Nine, no one could trust someone who killed their ally.

"It came down to the end. She came at me, and I had no choice," he says with what seemed to be a sorrowful look. It was the first time I've seen such sorrow from him. 

"I won't kill Drake," I say

"You say that now but when you are in that arena, a part of your humanity dies, and you will do just about anything to make it home," he says he makes a point, if it came down to both of us one of us would have to kill each other and if Fitz is right about humanity dying then who knows what we will do.

"Why can't we stick together and then towards the end split then hope it doesn't come down to us two" I question

"I'm not saying to not stick together, you need allies but you need to be aware that if one of you is coming home the other isn't," he says as Drake walks in catching the last part.

"So now we are talking" he quips sitting back down.

"even if you guys plan to stick together, you will need to find your strengths," he says leaning forward.

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