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the following morning I was woken up very early to prep for tonight and tomorrow. breakfast was quick and filled with Concordia and Fitz talking our ears off about the coming events. Tonight is the interview with Caesar Flickerman, the final chance to get the know the tributes before we all go to the arena tomorrow. before I am done up like a doll I spend the first half of the day listening to Fitz in our private training session. we sit at the table in my room as he explains what to do when the countdown ends he loses me.

"so you want me to go to the cornucopia, into the fight, to get a weapon?" I question confused about why he even suggests I do that. "that's an easy way for me to die." I just roll my eyes and slouch back into my chair

"you aren't going to die, right when the cannon goes off you run straight for the spear and maybe a book bag, and then run don't hesitate, keep a clear head, and don't stop to look back just run as far as you can" he explains as he traces his fingers along the table as he picks his drink up. 

"and if someone catches me?" I question him while looking down at the table.

"you're one of the fastest of the tributes, you will get to the cornucopia before the majority of them, and if someone catches you, then good thing you got that spear" he just smiles as he shrugs his shoulders. "listen, you put on a show tonight and then stand your ground in the arena, sponsors will come running" 

"that's all I have to do huh?" I laugh sarcastically and put my head in my hands.

"oh come on, give yourself some credit, you did score with the careers after all" he rolls his eyes "Just make yourself likable, give them a reason to keep the cameras on you."

"what do these people even know about me, they only know the girl that was smiling on that damn chariot, who I don't even know myself" I deadpan.

"they don't have to know you, just be the golden girl, smile at them, blow them kisses, wave, and most of all leave them wanting more." he feeds me more advice. "you need to hold that confidence in the arena it will show them that you have a chance"

"are you going to help me when I am in there?" I ask him and for some reason, I sound ashamed, I don't like asking people for help but in this case, I kind of need it.

"yea, I'll do what I can, but you can only depend on yourself, I can't fight you're battling," he says and I smile at him and a wave of silence briefly fills the air before he speaks up again. "you want to make sure you get to food and water, you need to stay strong in the arena" 

the rest of the time we spent talking about survival and how to figure out the layout of the arena, he went over each tribute and who I should look out for, he explained how he survived in his games, and I intently listened to each word, he knows what he is talking about. after awhile, the talk of survival grew tiresome and we eventually ended up just sitting there in silence waiting for them to tell me it's time to start getting ready. I didn't want to be alone so Fitz stayed with me, we both just sat there looking around the room quietly until Concordia came in and said it was time, Fitz got out of the room and I stepped in the fancy shower, and cleaned myself off real good before they cake a bunch of makeup on me again. I spent a long time in there just standing under the water, I couldn't pull myself out of the shower scared to be in front of so many people tonight, what if they don't like me, or they like someone else better? my thoughts get interrupted by runa knocking on the door telling me to hurry up since my look is going to take a lot of time. I step out of the shower being done a while ago wrap the robe that was hanging up for me around my body and tie it up. I step out of the bathroom and I am met with my whole prep team, who will get me all dolled up for the night. 

"we will start with your makeup and then do your hair," Runa says as she grabs me and drags me to the chair I was just sitting in before my shower. "just wait to see the dress, it's pure gold everyone will love it"

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