ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ɪɴꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

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After waking up by Concordia chirping away right as she entered my room, I started to get ready while putting on the tight-fitting polyester training suit laid out for me, I headed to the dining room where I saw Fitz talking to Drake. the room fell silent as I entered, ever since Drake said we shouldn't train or stick together, our relationship has just been us avoiding each other. Fitz clears his throat gesturing me to sit at the glass table with silver accents. an extravagant setup of all the food present for breakfast. the sight was beautiful, the fruit arrangements, the fresh bread, and the crystal vases filled with flowers. I take a seat across from the boy who used to be a close friend, who now couldn't even face me, that's how it has to be from now on, I suppose.

"Today is your chance to show off your combat skills," Fitz breaks through the awkward tension. "but remember, you need to have survival skills, the first thing to do in the arena is trying to find a way to get fresh water fast" 

"well water isn't going to help me in the blood bath," Drake says in a questioning tone.

"the key to the first 10 minutes of the games is getting what you need and staying away from everyone" Fitz retorts. "each game they have book bags that are scattered around the cornucopia, and they each have items in there that are fundamental for your survival, don't go for a weapon"

"so what will we do if someone attacks us," I ask confused. 

"outsmart them," Fitz puts down his knife from where he was spreading the jam on his toast. "everyone has a weak moment, wait for it then make your move" 

"what should I do today" I question as we are finishing up breakfast.

"look at the other tributes' skills, see how you can use yours against them" he suggests.

"time to go, time to go," Concordia claps as she comes in "Now remember the tributes from one and two are the superstars, the attention is on them. so if you want to get good sponsors you need to get a high score"

we all get up from the tables in the middle of the living quarters for District Nine and make our way through the tribute center halls, watching all the other tributes walk in the same direction as us with their mentors. I catch the eyes of Finnick and he smirks at me as I just roll my eyes back at him. I don't know why he feels the need to mess with me. I walk through the doors to the training room as Fitz pats me on the back. mentors aren't allowed in here only tributes and the trainers for each skill. we all gather and listen to the lady on top of a platform explain the rules of training.  As we all break off, I walk around trying to find a station that's not occupied. I come across one, the treadmill, where it logs how many miles an hour you can run. 

I have always been fast since I spent my whole childhood running through the woods, I gained agility. I stepped on the treadmill and started to run as the treadmill gave me a countdown of a mile to see how fast I could complete it, i sprinted like my life depended on it for three minutes before it beeped for me to stop. I look at the screen in front of me where it logged me under sixteen miles per hour. 

after stepping off the treadmill, I look over to a big guy trying to figure out what kinds of plants are edible. failing the test, he didn't know how to tell which ones were. I noticed one of the plants he kept missing. I knew most of the plants up there.

in my dad's study, there was a bookshelf, filled with books ranging from games to nature. he used to lay out the plant ones for me to read. I loved it, it would just be me and him silently reading in his study, stiles would sometimes come in and draw. my dad had a calming presence.

"Those are rosehips, they are edible, you just have to be careful because the hairs in the middle act as some type of irritant to your throat," I speak up from behind him to which he jumps. it's a weird sight to see a man jumping at someone a third his size. "I'm Verena"

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