
420 9 52

Playing: Maroon|Taylor Swift|

~And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was maroon~


When Henry FINALLY went into his bedroom, we all headed to mine. We managed to get Charlie out of the house for the evening because you can tell by now, she's a pick-me.

I sat on my bed, with Michael to my right, and Fred to my left. Mark and Vinny were on the floor. For some reason, Michael and Fred kept exchanging dirty looks. Maybe they haven't got over the fight?

"Alright, what should we do?" I asked the boys. All simultaneously, smirks erupted on their faces. "We have a plan," Michael stated. I raised my eyebrows and Michael pulled me by the wrist into Henry's garage, followed by his friends. Mark dug under a pile of junk and pulled out a black duffel bag. "What's that for...?" I asked. 

Fred stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear. "You'll see."

Obviously, I turned a crimson red.

Rather quickly, Vinny got another bag from the corner. It looked a lot heavier.

We all tip-toed through the front door and quietly shut it behind us. 

"So," I started, "Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Mark nodded and slung the bag over his shoulder. "Just to the park behind the school." I nodded slowly. "Okay... and what are we doing there?" Vinny snorted. "You're oblivious, Y/N, we're just gonna spray-paint the walls and get drunk." I wrinkled my nose. "I'll pass on the drinking." 

Fred chuckled and elbowed Michael. "Looks like Mikey ain't the only goody-two-shoes here." I rolled my eyes and Michael frowned. "One, DON'T CALL ME MIKEY, and two, I'm not a goody two shoes!" He whined. I linked arms with him and smirked. "Yeah, only I can do that! I'm his favorite!" I giggled and the boys eyed Michael. I could have sworn his face turned red. I couldn't exactly tell because it was dark.

We finally arrived at the old, rusty park. Mark dropped the bag and made a loud clang sound against the concrete. I flinched as Michael zipped open a bag and tossed me a can. 


"I'm not doing this," I stated and threw the can back at him. 

He smirked and caught the can mid-air. "Why's that, doll?" I playfully rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Because I'm not looking to be arrested in the first week that I've lived at Henry's, duh." He slowly walked up to me, pinning me against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing, lover boy?"

He winked and rode my arms above my head.

 "Whatever I want."

 I raised my eyebrows and he turned my chin to face him, our noses just centimeters apart. It almost looked like he was about to kiss me, but Fred ruined the freaking moment! Thanks a lot, Fred. "Hey Y/N?" Startled, Michael let go of me and we both turned to Fred. "Can ya help me over here, darling?" I cringed at the nickname. It was a lot better when Michael did it. "Sure thing, man." I walked over to Fred. I felt Michael's glare at Fred and me, but I chose to ignore it.

It'll be more fun making Mikey jealous, after all.

I followed him to the alleyway next to us. What was he doing? "Uhm, what do ya need me here for?" He smirked and pinned me against the hard brick wall. Woah, boy, slow down. "Fred I'm sorry but I ca-" He cut me off and shoved his lips against mine, holding me close to him so that I couldn't move. 

I tried to break away, but he made it impossible. He deepened the kiss and ran his hands through my hair. "Fred please stop!" I whisper yelled as he moved away for a second to breathe. 


It had been a bit since Fred absolutely ruined me and Y/N's moment and took her to the alleyway next to the one we were in. I was so close to kissing her! Damn, I hate Fred. I didn't trust him one bit, knowing his reputation with girls. I motioned for Mark and Vinny to be quiet as I silently crept into the narrow passage.

What the hell? He was kissing Y/N. I tiptoed closer and he was... forcefully snogging her.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around, releasing his grip on Y/N. 

I shrugged and raised my eyebrows. "Dude, don't worry, I'm not gonna fight you."

He looked at me puzzled. "And why's that?"

I smirked and winked. "Cos Y/N is."

He laughed and turned back over to Y/N, who was catching her breath. "What's she gonna do," he chuckled, "Knee me in the balls?" Y/N Smirked and whispered in his ear, barely audible. 

"If that's what you want~"

Long story short, let's just say Fred will not be expecting any children!

"One last thing before we go, Mikey."

She took a can from the bag and walked over to a blank space on a wall, that surprisingly wasn't covered in... never mind. 







She quickly sprayed a few hearts around the words and tossed the can behind her. I chuckled and dramatically whined, "Why Mikey?!" She giggled and we linked arms as we walked back to Henry's.


I hate Fred. I don't care that hate is a strong word. I mean, he sexually assaulted me and who knows what he wouldn't have done if Michael didn't come.

I hate Fred.

The only good thing that came out of that night was me and Michael's Almost Kiss. We were so close! To think I almost kissed Michael Afton is... Unthinkable. I know, I know. I've known him for a week. That week had been the best of my life

"How about a movie?" He offered. I nodded and smiled faintly as he started setting up. "I'll grab the snacks!" I smiled and walked into the kitchen. I dug through the fridge, pantry, and some cabinets. Man, Henry has the good stuff!

I was interrupted as I heard the front door slowly creep open. I froze and started to panic. "Michael...?" A slightly familiar voice interrupted my thoughts a boy, who sounded around my age, spun me around ball dance style to face him.

"Small world, huh, New Girl?"

HEYYYYY I finally updated! it's crazy how fast I'm growing in viewers! I really appreciate yall wasting your time to read my crappy fanfiction! Who do ya think that guy is? What does he want? Why is he here? YOU'LL HAVE TO FIND OUT THE NEXT CHAPTER HAHAHAHAHHA! 

PS: Grammarly STFrickU

PPS: Merry Christmas, I will be doing a Christmas special! Any ideas?

Dazzling Haze|Michael Afton x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now