The Afterglow

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Playing: Bigger than the Whole Sky|Taylor Swift

~Salt streams out my eyes and into my ears~

~Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness~

Michael sat in your bedroom. He was barely home anymore. His father hated him, and poor Liz was so afraid that Michael would do something to her, too. 

Thank god Liz didn't see Evan and what happened. All William told her was that Michael killed Evan. No wonder she was afraid.

Michael had appeared with fewer cuts and bruises. Maybe it had helped him, temporarily living in your bedroom. It had only been merely a month, and Michael had healed somewhat. You guys planned this weekend to make things right with Liz and explain. The hard part would get her to be in the same room with Michael.

William had become even more angry in the dark, gray hospital room when Evan used his last breath to tell Michael he loved him. The man was so selfish. He seemed to take every opportunity to verbally beat down Michael.

Henry had been an awesome help, too. Especially since Charlie went missing, you guys could hear him cry every night in his bedroom. He really tried to stay strong for you guys, but of course, it was highly difficult. He made you guys meals every day. Thank god it was Spring break, you could never force yourself to get to school, let alone force Mikey.

"It's not your fault, you know." Michael broke the silence.

He was worrying about you. Evan just died, and Michael had been beaten verbally by his father, and had been crushed by guilt.

Yet he was still worrying about you.

"It's not yours, either." You wrapped your hands around him in a hug. "He loves you, Michael, so so much. He used his last breath to tell you he loved you. Not William, not me, not Liz. You." Michael smiled softly. He seemed to be slowly forgiving himself.

You and Michael also planned to go looking for Charlie. Obviously, this was shut down by Henry, but you guys were teenagers. What did you expect? You guys had no idea where to start, but you planned to ask William. He used to be a detective, actually.

Michael didn't want to ask William for help. At all. Eveyrtime I brought it up he immediatley shut it down. He seemed to know something I didn't.

"Why don't we go look for Charlie now?" I whispered, not wanting Henry to overhear. "As long as we don't ask my father." I raised my eyebrows. "Why not?" He sighed. "Because, he just seems really busy and he probably doesn't want to get involved." 

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm still gonna ask him. You said yourself he used to be a detective back in the day!" I started going out of the front door and racing him to his own house. "I'm serious Y/N!" He shouted. "Well I am too! I miss Charlie and I want her back before it's too late!" Michael somehow caught up to me and held my wrist tightly. "Michael let go! There's nothing wrong with me asking him!" 

He groaned impatiently. "Yes, Yes there is!" He shouted at me. 

I flinched and his strong demeanor melted away. He let go of my wrist immediatley and looked down. "I'm sorry." Michael's eyes were wet and he sniffled a bit. Ever since Evan's death, Michael was a lot more prone to crying, and he was a lot more sensitive. Just in the last month, you've had to break up plenty of fights between him and kids at school. Although, you yourself once or twice have helped Michael fight them. 

"No, no it's okay! I just don't understand why you're so... passionate about this." 

"Y/N, I'd normally tell you anything, but I just can't tell you this."

"Why not?"


"Because why, Michael? " You pressed on further.

"Because It'd put you in danger, and I care about you too much to do that!"

"H- How would it put me in... danger?"

"My father, William Afton, has kidnapped her." 

Your jaw dropped and a small part of you instantly believed him. "You're joking..." He shook his head and took your hands in his. "Look, if my father knows I told you, then he'd kill you. Charlie is still alive, Y/N, we can save her."

"Wouldn't he kill you too?" He shook his head. "No, he wouldn't, and not because he loves me. He hates me, and he would be elated to make me live without you and suffer silently." 

You looked at him straight in they eyes and connected the dots. "He hurts you, doesn't he?" Michael wouldn't look you in the eye. "No matter that, we just need a plan to get Charlie out and get her safely back to William."



"I love you."

"What?" He didn't hear you.

"THANK YOU!" you said louder and a nervous laugh escaped your mouth. Now was probably not a goodtime to tell him, anyway. Your friend was in captivity by his father, and he recently had his own brother pass away.

"But how are we gonna do this?" I asked him. "I've actually been plannign this ever siince we knew. I knew it was my father. I've already devised a plan." Your jaw opened and he chuckled breathily. 

"The plan is simple. We just need to sneak in to the basement door at my house at night. However, we need Lizzy for that. The second step is to find Charlie and free her, without letting her know it was my father. That's cause a lot of pain and drama between the Afton's and Emily's. Drama we don't need."

You nodded yet two questions were still on your mind. Why did he kisnap Charlie? Has he... hurt anybody else?

"Michael, why did he kidnap Charlie?"

He sighed and we sat down at on a park bench.

"He got angry, the night that Evan died... He wanted Henry to know how it felt like to lose a child. And... that was also my fault."  

I shook my head. "Stop saying that! You had no idea that would have happened!"

He let out a defeated sigh. I decided to not ask my second question here and now.

"Should we try tonight?" I offered.

 "Sure, but that means we have to talk to Lizzy, and talk to her now. And were gonna need Sammy's help. He deserves to know where his sister is."

Hey! Another Chapter was published! I'm making a bunch of chapters that take place before the Cali chapter. ugh, my poor baby Michael!! Uhm... idk what else to say.

Thanks for reading

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