Mikes normal shift schedule until.. its not normal lol

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Mikey's pov

Y/N wasn't home when I left the house so I wrote her a note. She was probably hanging out with Angelica or whatever 17-year-old girls do. I wasn't worried.

I drove to the Pizza Place in Y/N's car and pulled into the driveway.

As I got ready, changed into my uniform, headed inside, etc., I heard a small voice.

Daddy! Why won't you let me play with her?

I froze. That was Elizabeth's voice. I called her name throughout the restaurant countless times, but no response. She's here, I knew it.

The next thing I knew, I was in a metal elevator. An ugly one too. A robotic voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career.
Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ads at Screws, Bolts, and Hairpins, or if this was the result of a dare...
We welcome you.
I will be your personal guide to help you get started. I'm a model 5 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit-Repair System.
But you can call me HandUnit.
Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities."

A glitchy keypad appears in front of me with different sets of letters and numbers. "How am I supposed to type on this crap..?" I mumbled to myself. 

"Please enter your name as seen above the keypad. This cannot be changed later, so please be careful."

I typed in my name, even though it was difficult. M-I-K-E-Y. Just because it made me feel safe.

"It seems you had some trouble with the keypad.
I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you.
One moment...
Welcome, Eggs Benedict."

"What the frick? I typed in Mikey!"

"You typed in, Eggs Benedict."

"But I-!"

"You typed i-

"Fine! Alright! I got it!"

"You can now open the elevator using that bright, red, and obvious button. Let's get to work!"

A small dusty vent was revealed with caution tape covering some of it. "Am I supposed to crawl through this creepy, ugly ass vent?" I grumbled. I started through the vent, shifting glances over my shoulder.

"Allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some lighthearted banter.
Due to the massive success and even more so the unfortunate closing of 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza', it was clear that, for another contender in children's entertainment.
Unlike most entertainment venues, our robotic entertainers are rented out for private parties during the day. And it's your job, to get the robots back in working order before the following morning."

A door in front of me read "Primary Control Module". I slowly walked into the ugliest room in history. It had weird staticky screens near the roof and an eerie white sectioned mask hung in the middle of the wall in front of me. Two windows appeared on each side of me with two weird stand thingies next to them.

"You are now in the 'Primary Control Module'. It's actually a crawl space between the two front showrooms. Now, let's get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left. This is the 'Ballora Gallery Party Room and Dance Studio'. Encouraging kids to stay fit and enjoy pizza. Let's turn on the light and see if Ballora is on her stage. Press the blue button on the elevated keypads to your left."

I do as HandUnit tells me and an ominous dim light shimmers above a stage. Nothing but an empty void shows.


It looks like Ballora doesn't feel like dancing.

Let's give her some motivation.

Press the red button now to administer a controlled shock.

Maybe that will put the spring back in her step.

"That sounds cruel... Is there any other way?"

"Press the re-"

I sigh. I guess not. I press the button swiftly and a shock buzzes.

"Let's check the light again."

A beautiful animatronic is now dancing ballerina-style on the small stage. She looks familiar, in a way. She is white and blue with a magenta skirt. She twirls in place, moving swiftly. Her face is again sectioned. I wonder why. My father always had weird designs.


Ballora is feeling like her old self again and will be ready to perform again tomorrow.

Now, view the window to your right.
This is the 'Funtime Auditorium' where Funtime Foxy encourages kids to play and share.

Try the light! Let's see what Funtime Foxy is up to."

Like before, no animatronics are on stage. If they aren't on stage, I wonder where they go. I heave a sigh and check my watch. This shift is going by fast, yet it's boring. I miss Y/N.

"Looks like Funtime Foxy is taking the day off.

Let's motivate Funtime Foxy with a controlled shock."

I don't argue this time and press the red button without hesitation. He still doesn't appear when the light shines.

"Let's try another controlled shock."

I gently touch the red button and the shocking sound rings through my ears again. I feel a twinge of guilt.

"Looks like Funtime Foxy is in perfect working order. Great job!

In front of you is another vent shaft. Crawl through it to reach the 'Circus Gallery Control Module'."

"Another creepy vent, huh?"

A different automated voice blares throughout the room. 

"Motion Trigger, Circus Gallery Vent"

Back to HandUnit.

"On the other side of the glass is 'Circus Baby's Auditorium'.

Let's check the light and see what Baby is up to."

 I turn on the lights once again, nothing shows on the other side of the glass.

"Looks like a few of the lights are out, but we can fix them later.

Let's encourage Baby to cheer up with a controlled shock.

I do the normal thing but nothing happens.

Let's try another controlled shock."

"She's till gone," I complain.

"Let's try another controlled shock."

"Oh my god! How many times do I have to do this? Show yourself, Baby! I want my sister back or I swear to the lord above I will rip off your toes and glue them to your nose!"

"Great job Circus Baby, we knew we could count on you!

That concludes your duties for your first night on the job.

We don't want you to feel overwhelmed. Otherwise, you might not come back...

Please leave using the vent behind you and we'll see you again tomorrow.

I crawled through the shaft and heard animatronic steps in the distance. Crap. 

"Motion Trigger, Circus Gallery Vent"

I crawl a heck of a lot faster and heave a heavy sigh when I make it out of that godforsaken building. Still have more nights to go, though. I'll make it out with my guts still intact right? Heh.

Time skip to when he gets back to the apartment.


She laughs and hugs me back as I embrace her. "Why so huggy, British-face?"

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too. Now Jeremy and Angelica are coming over for a movie today."

"Wait a minute, why are you up at six am?" I chuckle. "I don't know." I pop some M n' M's in my mouth and chuck one at her. "Hey!" She throws it back. "Sucker!" I yell as she chases me, both of us climbing on the furniture. Sorry mom, I know I promised I wouldn't do that.

And that's basically how the next five shifts went.

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