Go away shay

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I sighed heavily as I pulled into the apartment complex driveway. I was having dinner tonight with Shay, Angelica, and Jeremy, which is something we never do. It tends to be difficult when everyone has a different job.

No one was in the living room so I assumed they weren't home yet, or in their rooms. I went to mine and changed into something much more comfortable. I took my hair down and spritzed a new layer of perfume on.

Tonight was my night to cook, and I chose my favorite; Pizza. Michael taught me when we were teenagers, and it's a nice way to remember him. Angelica knows I only make pizza when I think of him, and it ends with her having a long girl talk with me, which always concludes with a sleepover, even though we sleep across the hall from each other. That's just how girls roll.

I threw my uniform into the washer and got out the ingredients. I started cooking and didn't realize I was humming a tune until Shay stepped in the door.

"Hey, baby. Someone seems happy today." I forced a smile and hugged him. "Dinner will be ready soon, Shay. How's your day been?" He threw his coat on the couch and laid back. "Great. How about yours?" Whenever I told Shay about guys, no matter how old or how I knew them, he got jealous. Sometimes it was fun just teasing him. "Great! I started my new job today, as you know, and my boss is pretty cool. He's nice." Shay's face contorted for a second then went back to normal. "He, huh? Well, tell me about this 'he'."

"Well, his name is Mike Schmidt and he owns the place. He wears a weird mask and dresses pretty nicely. He stares a bunch though, but I can't really tell if it's at me."

"Mm, I bet you it is."

"And why is that, Shay?"

"You're so fine, duh."

I internally grimaced but forced out a fake laugh. I liked it better when I was called pretty or beautiful, not fine. Being called fine felt fake.

"I was thinking, just as a kinda coworker-and-boss kinda thing, maybe I should invite him over for dinner?" Shay shrugged and kicked off his shoes onto the clean floor. "Eh, that's fine, I guess. As long as I'm there." I smiled for real and put the pizza into the oven. "Pizza again? Y/N, it's good, but you make it all the time!" Slightly annoyed, I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I don't see you making dinner at all, sooo." 

"Calm down, little lady. Can't afford to get your mascara smeared."

Not wanting to fight, I took a deep breath and didn't respond.

Angelica walked in the door and next thing I knew, Shay was groaning in pain.

"Boy, I swear to the Jesus above if you talk to my girl like that again your elbows will be living in your armpits. Got it?" Shay nodded vigorously.

Jeremy came running in shouting, "ANGELICA DON'T USE THE BASEBALL BA- Oh. We're good, okay..." Angelica snorted and took a seat at the dining table, next to me. The oven beeped, signaling the pizza was done and Jeremy served everyone their plate. 

"Should we watch a movie tonight?" I offered. Jeremy grumbled rather loudly, "You're just wanting to do that because it's your turn to pick!" I smirked. "Precisely."

After some conversation, everyone took a spot on the couch. I sat with a couple of inches between Shay and I, but he closed the gap. Angelica shot me a look and exclaimed, "Y/N! Sit next to me!" I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes while sitting on the floor next to her.

I turned on The Immortal and the Restless and everyone audibly groaned. "Again?" I nodded curtly. "It's my turn!" I laughed at the happy meal part even though I didn't find it funny anymore, and when the episode ended everyone just sat in silence.

"So uhm, my boss is coming over for dinner tomorrow, his name is Mike Schmidt." I heard oo's from Angelica and Jeremy and Shay stayed silent. "So that's why you've been all cheery! You love him!" I shrieked and threw a pillow in Angelica's direction. "I just met him, and I don't even know how old he is!"

She snickered and everyone headed to bed, including me. 

I locked the restroom door as I started to shower. I put PJs on when I was finished and brushed my teeth. Shay was waiting for me outside when I stepped out. "Geez, Shay! You scared me!" He chuckled dryly. "So this Mike dude, you've never wanted to have any other of your bosses here." I rolled my eyes and a part of me wanted to fight with him. "He's special, then, I guess." I turned my back to Shay and smirked. I could practically hear the steam coming out of his ears.

I marched to my bed and sent Shay out of my room.


That is, except for the giggles and other noises from Jeremy and Angelica's room. 

"Not before marriage!" I yelled and they went dead silent before bursting into laughter.

why me

why us

when will you come again

I know you're here

I can see you

you don't know im here

you can see me, though




i don't wanna feel like this

go to sleep


I woke up in a cold sweat and was breathing heavily. Michael was by my side. Wait, what?

"M- Michael?

"Hello. I missed you.

"How could you?"


"How could you leave me?! Just like that! You left me alone! You don't understand how much I need you! Where did you go?!"

And then I actually woke up, freaking out and crying with Angelica by my side.

"You're safe now, it's okay. You've gotta go to work, though. C'mon, I'll help you.

Dazzling Haze|Michael Afton x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now