Up Close And Personal!

434 8 99

Playing: Soon You'll Get Better|Taylor Swift

~Soon you'll get better~

~'cause you have to~

A little while back, you had been notified that Evan's Birthday is coming up. In fact, that day is today. As soon as you got up from your sleep, you felt queasy and off. Your stomach seemed to do flips. However, nothing would stop you from missing Evan's Birthday party.

It was being hosted at Fredbear's Family Diner because the Aftons were short in their budget. As soon as Evan was told this, the poor baby looked mortified. He hated the animatronics and believed that they were haunted and after him. Almost every night Michael would call me because I was the only one that could help Evan get back to bed. I really loved that kid, and if anything happened I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Why am I thinking like this all the sudden?

Michael didn't help. I knew he loved Evan, and Evan loved him, but he continuously pranks Evan with these stupid masks. He and his idiot friends go out of their way to make Evan terrified. One of the masks was a very distinguished blue. That one was Bonnie. Another was a brown bear with a black mini top hat. That was Freddy. One was bright yellow with an orange beak. That one was Chica. The one Michael wore was a crimson red and had an eyepatch over one of the eyes. This one was foxy. Foxy terrified Evan the most, for some reason.

I had made it my personal job to make sure Michael stayed away from Evan. 

I had to show up at the old diner at 8 am sharp to help set up. I was excited. Not for me, but for Evan. Other than the nauseating feeling inside of me, everything else seemed to go fine.

 Just fine.

As soon as I got to the diner I noticed Evan sobbing under a table.

I remembered that the night before, when Mikey was cleaning to prepare the diner, he had locked Evan in a Janitorial Closet. Poor baby was begging Michael to let him out, while Michael couldn't even hear him with this walkman in his ears.

You slowly approached Evan and sat next to him under the table. In between choked sobs, Evan managed to get out, "Does Michael hate me?" He whimpered. My heart had shattered for him. Evan thinks his older brother hates him.  After this, I was for sure going to have a talk with Michael about this. Evan was only 6. He didn't deserve this at such a young age. Or ever. "Oh Evan, of course not! He loves you very much and doesn't realize he hurts you this bad." I continued. "I'm going to talk to him right after, okay?" I held Evan in my lap and he smiled ever so softly. "Thank you, Y/N, you're the best sister anyone could have ever asked for." 

You smiled at his words and led him out from under the table.

"MICHAEL!" You called. He looked at you with a wild smirk on his face. "You are going to stay away from Evan, got it?" He smirked and shrugged. "What keeps ya happy, doll." You smiled sincerely, thinking that he would listen.

You were so wrong.

Soon the party started, and the pit in your stomach got even deeper. Soon, you couldn't even stand it and had to lean on an arcade machine so you didn't collapse on the floor. You decided to grab some painkillers out of your purse in the main room. The closer you got, the heavier you felt, until you nearly fell into Michael. Luckily, he caught you. "Woah, doll, what happened to you?" He asked, genuinely concerned. "I'm fine Mikey, just a bit dizzy." He laughed and took you to the booth where your purse was.

You can see the faint red blur of something in Michael's hand. "What's that?" He shrugs and purposefully walks away from you, strapping the thing to his face. You could see his friends strapping items to their faces too.

Dazzling Haze|Michael Afton x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now