so lucky he didnt get BIT yettt

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Okay so I totally left Angelica ( @JustADreamer2009 ) and Jeremy hanging so I'm gonna write this before I forget- This takes place months after my poor baby boy's "death" (I'm still deciding) AND Y/N IS STILL ALIVE

3rd person

Angelica ran around the venue greeting everyone and making sure everyone was fine with the rehearsal dinner. She originally planned to elope with Jeremy, but Y/N had other plans and poured her life and soul (plus money) into Angelica and Jeremy's wedding. Angelica admired that.

"Angelica, girl, you need to sit down and be with Jeremy and his family."  Y/N abruptly stopped Angelica in the hall of the venue. "I know, I know. But my mom and dad aren't coming and Jeremy doesn't know it yet. They kind of hate him, and think he's gonna like, abuse me and kill me or something. Sorry, I'm rambling." Y/N motioned for Angelica to sit down and pulled out her makeup bag. "Your mascara's a little messed up, I'll fix it. And don't sweat it. You're stressed, probably more than I could imagine. I wouldn't understand, I didn't have a big wedding. I signed a paper for a man I hadn't seen in 6 months." Angelica laughed lightly. Y/N had grieved at first about his death, of course, but Y/N still believed, heart and soul, that he was still alive.

"There ya go. Oh look, Jeremy's looking for you!" Y/N dashed off and Angelica tripped in the process, stumbling into Jeremy. "You look as gorgeous as ever. I just can't wait to see you tomorrow." Jeremy smirked and did little hand pistols toward Angelica. "Thanks, baby, but I need to tell you something." Jeremy nodded. "My parents hate you and aren't coming." Jeremy cocked an eyebrow. "Really? I wanted to see them!!!"

"Oh my gosh, you're such a 2nd grader. No, you cannot see them. They'd kill you."

Jeremy groaned. "Fine, whatever."

"Is everything set? Y/N's got her bridesmaid's dress and my dress in the bathroom for tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, yeah. Y'Know what I'm excited for?"


"Our honeymoon." Jeremy giggled and Angelica shoved him gently on the shoulder and snorted. "Shut up!"

The venue was a small church but it was elegant. The reception would be in the fireside room, and the ceremony would be in the sanctuary. The theme was rose gold and a nice sage green, which complemented everything about Angelica.

Soon enough, the rehearsal dinner was over. Angelica was practically hyperventilating out of nervousness, panic, and exhaustion. Y/N took her home and listened to Mitski all the way back to their place. "I'm gonna go to bed. I swear I'm still a bit hungover from our bachelorette party..." Y/N groaned while dramatically bringing her hands down her face. Angelica plopped herself down on the couch. Jeremy soon arrived half-high as his buddy Eddie dropped him off. "Aw, she looks sooooo adorablleeeeeee. That's my wifeyyeyey!!" Angelica stirred and kicked her heels off of her feet. Naturally, Jeremy being Jeremy, he got a hairbrush and sat next to Angelica. He gently ran the brush through her hair while smiling slightly.

He hummed a song gently and Angelica's position switched to where he was now holding her. Nothing could ever change the fact I love her, Jeremy thought. I'm so glad I found her...

Flashback pookies

"Carmel macchiato, upside down with an extra pump of vanilla."

A young teen walked into the local coffee shop barely looking up from her phone. She looked slightly terrified, probably because this was her first time going somewhere without her parents to guide her. She had on a sweater and some ripped black jeans that fit her nicely.

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