15: Songs

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She sat on her seat and Murtasim came after a minute on the driving seat. She kept looking at wondering what did he by going back and then he sat on his seat with a smile. God, how much she missed his smile. She can't bear his ignorance for a second. She is confused regarding her feelings for many reasons but one thing she is sure that she wants to see him happy and growing. His happiness is what matters to her and his support for her.

She always saw in movies how a hero supports his girl and now when her husband is supporting her like other heroes, she can't thank Allah enough for this wedding. She thinks that they are not made for eachother but still, her heart yearns for more. She wants to know him and cherish him forever. She wants him to think of her as a good wife who respects her husband and a good human being. She wants him to love her like no tomorrow and wants him to let everyone know that he is just her.

"Meerab...", she heard her name called by him and looked to see him tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. She looked in front and noticed them on the road and he was driving slowly. They are not far away from the lake as he is driving very slowly. She wondered what is the reason. She raised her eyebrow asking what?

"T... Tie your seatbelt", he said to which Meerab nodded and she turned towards the seatbelt but then she thought to look at him first and noticed him staring at her. She noticed his eyes and understood that his heart wanted to touch her and tie her seatbelt. Suddenly she felt the environment going warn and felt nervous to pull her seatbelt even.

She gulped as she felt her throat drying and her hand froze in her place. She couldn't move it even an inch because of nervousness. She should not feel nervous, and scared does she have any control over her heart? No, her heart is working according to Murtasim. Just the way he wants to do it.

"Can't you pull? Is there any problem?", he asked. She couldn't say anything because she was lost in her thoughts thinking of their life. She was going smoothly before he entered and now her life is going on a different tangent. She tried to pull it but one look into his eyes, she felt her hand dropping the belt and she screamed in pain when the belt went backwards. She hissed and closed her eyes tightly.

Murtasim stopped his car and pulled her hand in his softly. He started to rub the back of her palm. When his cold hands touched her soft and warm hands, she felt her body shiver when his hand rubbed her hand sensuously. She kept looking at him and wondered how he fell in love with her. Why he is so concerned for her? How can he love a girl like her? How can he keep expectations from her? Why he is so good? She wants to know everything from his heart.

"Have you gone mad Meerab? Can't you seek help from me? I won't eat you", he said angrily and blew on her palm. Meerab closed her eyes feeling nervous again. She is not nervous because he will do something, but she is nervous that she will lose her heart in front of him. Why he is such a nice and decent guy? She is not supposed to change too easily but his innocence and gentlemanly nature are taking her heart. She is supposed to pursue her career but her heart will push her away from her goals. She is loving every bit of him and the attention she is getting from him. Why it is so?

"You are making me mad Murtasim. Why do you look at me with those eyes?", she thought questioning him looking at his eyes which darkened when she rubbed her thumb on the back of his palm softly. She knew she should not do that but she wanted to feel him, her husband who is growing more handsome. Who will not like a guy like him? But what if someone snatched him because she was not letting him touch her?

"No, nobody can snatch him", she thought and looked at him who was already looking at her

"Take care of yourself Meerab. It hurts to see you in pain yar. Never hurt yourself. If you don't want me to touch you then I will... I will drive slowly. Please don't let any harm to you, it makes my heart bleed. You are the woman I want to see happy and successful. I want to call myself a proud husband of my lawyer wife", he said smiling proudly imagining her as a lawyer which made her smile and she caressed the back of his palm

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