23 : Birthday?

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"Thik hai. I want land here which is owned by you and ask your people to hear my orders", Zubair announced which made Murtasim angry. Murtasim chuckled at his audacity. How can he ask for his hand openly when he knows very well the answer? Murtasim turned towards him keeping his hand in his pocket and head straight in pride as he was not going to give him that. He would have given him money or even little things which doesn't include innocent people but not that land as giving land means destroying the lives of innocent people who trust him the most

"I will never do that", Murtasim replied in a sharp voice,  he walked toward him and held his collar again but this time firmly

"And don't you dare to include women otherwise I will make you beg for death but will not die easily. Jao yaha se. There is no decision. I will call you when I need", Murtasim said sharply pushing Zubair in anger and walking inside the house knowing very well Meerab would be hell angry. He regrets yelling at her when she was nowhere wrong but he couldn't control his anger this time. He can't bear someone looking at his woman with dirty eyes. He ran inside and called her name but Meerab ignored his calls. He entered their room to see Meerab applying lotion to her body. He walked behind her and was about to touch her shoulder when she got up jerking his hand and sat on the bed pushing her hair behind in attitude.

"I am sorry yar", Murtasim apologized and sat beside her when Meerab moved a little away whispering "First hurt someone and then say sorry". She twisted her lips when she heard him requesting to talk to her but not today Mr.

"Sunlo na please", Murtasim said and placed his hand on her shoulder which Meerab jerked again and turned her face aside showing her anger. She was upset when he yelled at her when she came here because of her concern. Her eyes glistened with tears when he yelled at her but still he didn't stop her which hurt her today and she is not going to forgive him easily. He has no right to shout at her without any mistake, she doesn't consider herself guilty here. Fear for her husband is normal and if she didn't go there knowing Murtasim was in danger would have made her a selfish life. Here she went to people who were standing with guys just for him, and what he did. Yelled at her. That is so mean.

"Rohail was right. I am just your responsibility and you will choose ego over me. Just to show people you have right over me you yelled at me", Meerab said angrily. A lone escaped from her eyes and she wiped it immediately but he noticed them and he held her hand and moved closer to her. Meerab froze at her place and looked at him who was staring at her already with concern. Just then he moved his hand towards her face and wiped her tears from both eyes. She looked down as if she didn't want to show her anger melting and let him know his presence affected her a lot.

"It is not like that Meerab. Zubair angered me and I got angry seeing you", Murtasim replied and moved forward to assure her by kissing her forehead but Meerab understood his gesture and placed her hand on his lips. She knows if she let him assure her like this she will melt easily but she doesn't want to understand easily. That was not fair to yell at her no matter what the problem was. She doesn't care about that but he should have controlled his tongue

"Yes, I can't even come there. Rehne do. I made a mistake by caring for you", she said angrily and lay down by covering her face which irritated him as he was unable to see her face. He tried removing it and Meerab held the blanket tight knowing well this must be irritating him

"Please understand it is not like that. He angered me. Meerab", he said removing the blanket from her face harshly using his full force as she was not letting him look at her. She glared at him when he threw the blanket away and yelled in anger and irritation

"For what?", she asked snapping at him and waiting for a reply but Murtasim stayed silent which angered her more

"No words because that's a lie. You just know how to show anger at me", she said angrily walking down to pick up the blanket and covering her face again. Murtasim sighed and walked towards her side from the front as from the back he was unable to talk clearly. He sat beside her and held her hand which she used to hold the blanket and tried to pull the blanket again but this time Meerab shouted "Don't"

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