18 : Love And Care

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"Murtasim...", she screamed in fear. Murtasim noticed the car coming in her direction and to save her he turned the steering wheel to another side but he couldn't control the car and it got hit by the wall.

Her head got hit by the dashboard hard. Thanks to the seatbelt which saved her from many injuries. Everything happened in a blink of seconds and she couldn't realize what just happened. She felt her head spinning for a while until she heard many voices coming from her surroundings. She opened her eyes slowly and noticed the windscreen broken. She started to panic looking at her broken pieces of glass and looked towards her side to see Murtasim in a pool of blood.

His head got hit by the wall and the glass pieces pricked his head. The door of the driver seat looked broken to her, suddenly her vision got blurry and the only thing her eyes noticed was Murtasim in a pool of blood and glass pieces lying around him. She tried moving towards him but couldn't because of the seatbelt and she had no power left to open the seatbelt. Soon she felt someone trying to save her and her blurry vision noticed someone trying to open the car from his side but broken glass fell on him. She started to scream silently, gasping for breath. She tried asking for help but no words came from her mouth because of her mental state.

"B... Blood... Usse bacha lain", these were her last words before she passed out. After a few hours when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the hospital ward with a syringe attached to her hand, and her hand was also bandaged. She looked here and there to see if Murtasim was with her or not. She started to breathe heavily as the flashes of their accident came to her mind and she felt her heartbeat rising. Sweat formed in her body and she held the bedsheet tightly worrying about him. She tried to move her body but felt a sharp pain on her hand which stopped her from moving.

She looked here and there for help and started to scream his name. Nothing came to her mind than him. His safety is her priority as he risked his life to save her or maybe... No, I'm breathing that means he is breathing too. He can't leave me. She thought and closed her eyes tight again trying to sleep thinking all this was a nightmare but her body started to pain. She felt her whole body aching. She opened her eyes with a jolt when a nurse came running into her ward

"Murtasim... Where is my husband? Is he fine? Remove these and take me to him. Please", Meerab shouted angrily pointing towards the syringe. The nurse ran towards her and removed the syringe after checking her. As the nurse freed her, Meerab ran outside to check on Murtasim. She doesn't want anybody to stop her from meeting him as nobody has the right to stop her. Moreover, she is very afraid of losing him, they have started to accept this relationship and she doesn't want him to leave her anytime soon. A girl who can't bear his ignorance, how can she think of his silence even? This guy is very selfless and never thinks of profit, unlike other men. There was no need to risk his life but still he did and showed his love to her

"Mam take rest ", the nurse ran behind Meerab and held her hand to stop her from running into the hospital

"I want... to meet him", Meerab choked with tears and looked at her surroundings not knowing where to go and how to search for Murtasim. Doctors must be treating him and she believes he will be fine soon but she wants to take a look at his face. Just one look would be enough for her as the state she noticed him was the worst. Her body shivered recalling the state she noticed him in. She closed her eyes and tried to hold something as she felt her legs jiggling. The nurse held Meerab and took her slowly toward the ward where doctors were testing Murtasim. She told her that she would take her back once she saw Murtasim

"Are you with that patient who met with an accident?", another nurse asked coming out of the ICU. His wounds were too deep and he faced a huge blood loss. Luckily they had blood so they treated him and started with thier treatment.

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