24: Mukammal❤️

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Meerab thanked him and ignored the topic of confession as she wanted to confess it on his birthday. She wants to gift herself to him just like she got him as her gift on her birthday. They moved to Hyderabad as per Murtasim's request and she couldn't resist as he looked so innocent while requesting to go back. She felt she could handle everything if he was with her. 4 days passed and now Murtasim's splint was removed. Even though he tried hard to resist but Meerab forced him to open it. As the clock hit 12: 00 Am Meerab who was using her mobile phone turned to her sleeping husband.

"Happy birthday Murtasim ", she whispered to Murtasim and kissed his forehead. From the day they came back, they started sharing a bed without any hesitation. She picked his hand and slid the ring into his hand smiling widely as her one step toward her mission was done. Thankfully he didn't ask about the rings that day and after that, she made excuses saying they would exchange the rings but she never came with them

Today is the day that she wants to make very special for him and to make him feel like the luckiest man on earth. She wants to make him smile and keep him happy because he deserves it. She yawned as she was sleepy but was awake just to wish him but he slept already and she couldn't wish him. She could have forced him to stay awake if she was in the room but she outside talking to Mariyam who was giving her ideas on how to make Murtasim happy. Meerab was so indulged in the conversation that she forgot to check on her husband and on going back she found him sleeping.

"I will make your birthday very special for you", she said and kissed his forehead again and lay to keep looking at his sleeping figure. He looks so handsome while sleeping and irresistible too. She kissed him twice within minutes but still, her heart yearned for more. She wants to keep kissing his cute face till her heart desires and to stare at his face till eternity.

He is sleeping facing her keeping his head on his arm and the other hand is lying on his thighs. A few hair strands of his are lying on his forehead which looks so hot. She blushed thinking of the word she used for him but she couldn't walk away from the truth. He is looking very handsome and carefree with his eyes closed and lips parted. She moved her hand towards his hair and started to play with his silky hair. From today this is going to be her favourite task as she loved the feeling when his hair slipped from her fingers.

She then looked at herself and found her heart beating rapidly and she didn't even want to control her heartbeat as she wanted to enjoy this moment. Just him and her enjoying their togetherness. She moved her hand from his hair to his thigh and held his hand in hers. She pulled his hand toward herself and kissed his palms which disturbed his sleep and he took his hand back irritating her

"Don't disturb me please", he said and moved to the other side much to her disappointment. She got up a little checked if he was sleeping and slowly turned him he groaned a little but as he was sleeping he couldn't stop her from turning him to lie straight. She placed her head on his chest and started to draw circles on his chest. She felt relaxed in his arms and slept peacefully. His arms looked so comfortable and she smiled when she felt him snaking his arms around her waist protecting her from falling.

In the morning he woke up to see the most beautiful sight. Her sleeping on his chest and his hands were on her waist. He wondered how they ended up like this, but it was the most elegant sight. He moved closer and kissed her forehead softly. He would have kissed her lips if he knew about her feelings as he didn't want to fight with her early in the morning on his birthday. He wants to be sure of her feelings before kissing her without her permission as she has many mood swings.

He got up and changed into a white kurta pajama, and wore a navy blue coat over his kurta. He walked out of the room to see his mother talking with the servants. On seeing him Ma Begum called him and wished him Happy Birthday which made him happy getting first birthday wish from his mother. He hugged and thanked her for wishing him well, Ma Begum asked what he wanted to which he replied he would ask later. He wants to ask his mother to let Meerab continue her studies that's it. Rest he can afford to buy every single thing. Even Haya came there and wished him Happy Birthday which made him smile and he replied with a thank you

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