17 : Idol

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They both entered the place with Meerab walking ahead and Murtasim behind her. He was chasing her as she walked too quickly or maybe he was too slow to walk behind her. His feet stopped when he caught sight of her standing on the edge of the place and looking at the water. She placed her hand on the wooden grill and smiled looking at the water. Murtasim placed his hand on hers and stood beside her, Meerab looked at him when she felt his hand on hers. She felt a spark inside her body when she felt his hand on hers. She is denying her love but she can never deny the unknown attraction she feels for this man the way her lips curve into a smile automatically when he glances at her.

Just then she recalled he confessed his love for her and she replied with nothing. That made her feel awkward. Why not? A man was confessing his love and denied her feelings. They are married and she knows that getting a divorce in this family is very problematic yet she suggested it in front of him. He agreed with all her terms and fell for her. Everything was going well until she realized that she couldn't bear his ignorance and maybe she couldn't even live without him. Slowly he is becoming that habit that she doesn't regret accepting. He is that part of her life that is the reason for her happiness, yet she can't confess anything because she is very bad at expressing herself. She felt bad for not replying to his confession but she felt that best because she didn't have the same feelings for him. How can she confess not knowing if it is love or just a physical attraction or if it might be a normal feeling when a girl likes someone's personality but not him? She turned to look at the water as she can't continue looking at him

"Have you visited this place before too?", she asked

"No, I knew these were famous but never came as I was never interested", Murtasim gave his genuine answer. He was about to ask about her when she replied

"I always wanted to come here but nobody took me here. Baba was most of the time busy and I never asked Mama to come with me. I asked Baba once so I guess if I asked twice or thrice they would have taken me here", Meerab said turning around to look at the place full of crowd. She then looked towards him who was still looking at the water in silence. His hands were on his back from the time she removed her hand from his hold. She found him so handsome and a little tensed him

"Are you fine?", Meerab asked. Murtasim turned towards her and hummed in response. He walked towards an empty table pulled the chair for her and walked towards another waiting for her. She walked towards him and sat on the chair and noticed him sitting after she sat. She felt very special for these gestures.

She never felt bad for rejecting offers in the college as those didn't matter much but rejecting him looked like she committed a sin and didn't deserve forgiveness. She continued looking at him trying to discover what is the relationship between them. On paper, they are married but in a true sense, they have a very complicated relationship. Murtasim accepts her and she is still in denial because she is very confused regarding her future. Especially him. Her thoughts were broken when he snapped his hand in front of her

"Where are you lost?", he asked to which she replied "Nowhere"

"What would you like to have?", he asked and she wasted no time to reply her favorite dishes to him

"Nihari and baqer khani", Meerab replied to which Murtasim nodded and called the waiter to give thier order. He ordered biryani for himself and gave her order as well.

(Ps. I have Googled it so can't add many details.😅😂)

Soon the waiter arrived with their dishes and placed them on their table. As the smell of Nihari hit her nostrils, she felt like she was in heaven. She looked towards another place and her eyes shined with glory to see Baqer Khani. She pressed her lips to control herself from pouncing on the food. She was hungry and in hunger, she acted crazy but she couldn't act alike in front of the crowd.

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