CHAPTER 11 (Part 1)

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"Hello Mr Oberoi,He's Mr Ahuja and this is his family"

Mr Oberoi saw the man standing next to Charlotte and passed a smile to Ruhani's Dad.

"Oh,So you are Mr Ahuja..It's nice to finally meet you" Mr Oberoi said while moving a hand forward

Ruhani's dad cupped his hand with both his hands and shaked them rather firmly. "Sir,I'm honoured that you even know my name"

"Ofc I do,drop the formalities already" Mr oberoi continued while laughing in a laughter that would capture the whole room. Exactly the way Rich men laugh. "Call me,Arjun"

"Thankyou,Arjun ji..Devendra this side"

Both the men were talking and laughing but it was all a blur for Ruhani at this point. Her eyes were focused on a certain woman and the woman was repaying that stare with same confusion in her eyes.

Ruhani diverted her eyes after a few moments. A small smirk appeared on the corners of her lips and she felt a pair of almond eyes still on her.

"Oh my godd,I know this girl" A young girl with american accent in front of Ruhani pinpointed a finger at her. "You are the viral girl..whose skit is making a headline all over the internet..OH MY GODD"

She had a genuine smile and happiness on her face. Pretty much the same smile as Miss Oberoi. She had almost the same kind of eyes but these had a hint of brown in them. Her hair length was up until her shoulders and her lips were thin comparatively. She was almost as gorgeous as her sister but was quite young. Maybe same age as Ruhani.

"Thankyou so much..I can't believe that you saw it" Ruhani's attention was now completely directed to the girl in front of her.

"Ofcoure I did,actually everybody did" She said with excitement sparkling in her eyes. "You were amazing in it..I actually followed you after that video of yours"

Ruhani's dad was confused. His eyes were shifting between her daughter and the young girl but he didn't uttered a word. On the other hand,Miss Oberoi was quietly watching the conversation being unfold.

"Yeah..Aliya,you did showed me that,she's the girl" A woman who seemed to be their mother butted in. She was gorgeous and seemed not too old for a mother of two daughters in their early 20s.

"Yeah..Well,are you her elder sister miss?" Ruhani asked innocently with a playful smile on her lips.

Everyone on the spot cracked up in a healthy laughter and there Ruhani felt some weight loosing from her shoulders.

"Nope nope child..I'm her mother,Amrita" She introduced herself gently. "And here are my daughters...Aliya,the one you were talking to and that's older daughter"

Ruhani's eyes shifted to Miss Oberoi. A constant smile was settled at Ruhani's lips right now but Miss Oberoi..There was no expression on her face. It was blank. Was she scared about something?

"I guess good looks run through your entire family...Hello Ma'am,Ruhani this side" She said while moving a hand to shake but the older woman rather brought her into a hug.

Ruhani greeted the other members as well and the introductions exchanged between both the sides of the family. Ruhani saw her mother easing up a little. Maybe Rich people weren't as bad as they were portrayed in the movies. Atleast Oberoi's weren't. Ruhani didn't greeted her professor yet and their introduction kind of got lost between the other greetings. Miss Oberoi happily smiled at Ruhani's parents and passed them healthy handshakes but she didn't initiated a conversation with Ruhani and neither did Ruhani took a step.

Ruhani wasn't the kind of person to respond only when the initiation happened from the other side first. But she didn't know Miss Oberoi's reasons. The other Woman's expressions were saying some things which words couldn't. Ruhani was scared to mess up so she chose to speak nothing.

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