CHAPTER 16 (Part 1)

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Ruhani saw her watch and geared up for her performance. It was almost time for Talent hunt finale and Amity was lighted richly. A multitude mob was gathered,people weren't recognizable..only various heads bumping into each other,fighting for their own foot on the ground. All of it made Ruhani nervous and excited at the same time. No matter how many times she has been on stage among thousands of people before, Every new chance gave her a new kind of anxiety which she didn't know,she could feel every single time she went on stage. People were already dancing,singing,acting and her perfomance was roped somewhere in between.

For a reason,Ruhani knew she wasn't going to win. It was just a hunch, a gut feeling..she just knew somehow. Various forms of art existed in this world. Listening to someone else playing instruments,or someone singing or someone else dancing was more visually appealing or auditory satisfying for that matter,rather than watching someone act or reciting poetry. It wasn't that Poetry was any inferior form of art among others.No doubt that a certain amount of peopele and a definite type of audience enjoyed poetry and verses but among other forms of art,it didn't stood a chance. Ruhani wasn't sad or upset for that matter. She was aware and was honestly okay with it. At this point,she was just getting ready to give her all and was looking forward to do justice to her lyricism.

Ruhani's name got called up and she took her position among the space. Some people prepatorily hooted for her. It made Ruhani smile and gave her a newfound confidence which she didn't know she had in her. She took a deep breath and started reciting. This time her performance wasn't complex like last time,Truthfully it was completely contrasting. A sweet heartwarming poetry which was wrenching in it's own way. A beautiful thought process potrayed effortlessly through recitation which hid the pain of one sided love,outlining it's concealed beauty.

She was reciting,piercing through audience with her orbs. But Were her eyes searching for Something? Someone? It was wrong and silly to look for that particular someone. Honestly it was completely stupid to even expect her. Only adults present in the audience were Judges. The crowd was packed with overly cheery adult teens and madly in love couples, not to mention adolscent couples. Why would a faculty memeber, A teacher show up? Why would Alina show up? Did she had a reason? And will Ruhani ever be that reason? Ruhani knew she was being stupid. Her dense assumptions came to a stop when she spotted someone. Not who she was hoping for but someone who she wasn't expecting at all. Actually two of them. Arpita and Manshi were holding two huge cardboards with 'KILL IT RUHANI' , 'GO FOR IT RUHI' respectively written on them. They were standing far away from the crowd at an upper floor rather than the usual ground. They were hooting,clapping and cheering. It sent a warm feeling in pit of Ruhani's stomach.It suddenly hit her, how much she missed her best friends these past days. Happy tears welled up in corner of her eyes and with a mixture of emotions,her performance came to an end.

She didn't wait for audience reactions and honestly she didn't cared. As soon as her performance ended...She Ran towards her two friends and wrapped them into a hug. Audience's hooting and cheering blurred somewhere in the background and the host announced another contestant but Ruhani was still way too busy holding her friends pushing them backwards which resulted in all three of them falling with Manshi and Arpita having their Backs hit the ground and Ruhani on top of them.

Arpita chose the most vulgar expressions from her vocabulary to curse Ruhani and all three of them broke into a laughter. This was much needed. Ruhani missed her Best friends, her comfort zone,Her safe space, Her confinement to lighten her heart wherever and whenever she wanted and needed. All three of them walked out of H block and started moving towards Wall street, A Restaurant accomodated in their campus.

"Are you sure about not wanting to wait for Results?"
Arpita asked once they were settled

"Yeah..I ain't going to win anyways" She sighs

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