CHAPTER 13 (Part 2)

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Ruhani still couldn't get over the fact that Alina agreed to go with her. She asked Ruhani to wait somewhere away from university where no one could catch them together. 'CATCH THEM TOGETHER'. It sounded so filmy and romantic,as if those two were eloping together. HEHE.Her silly train of thoughts came to an end when she looked at her watch. Alina told her that she'll be there in 15 minutes but it was already an hour. And Ruhani was still standing there like a loyal dog waiting for their master. Ruhani wasn't that stupid to realise that maybe she was dumped in the middle of a road. She realised it when the time moved from 15 minutes to half an hour. But she still waited. Waited patiently. No one came. She herself didn't know why. Now her patience and legs,both gave up. She started walking towards the nearest metro station. She wasn't Angry. She was just sad. Alina wasn't binded to agree with Ruhani. She had her own life and own errands to make. But if she didn't wanted to come then why did she agreed in the first place.

Ruhani reached the metro station and started climbing the stairs on the entrance. Someone's car honked very loudly. Ruhani felt as if it was for her but she continued climbing. The honk happened again. This time for more than once. Ruhani ignored again. The honking happened more vividly now. Ruhani finally looked back over her shoulders when she saw a tall women with a white button up and black fitted jeans standing next to the driver seat door on road. Her hand reaching to the horn on the steering wheel from the door's window. Her eyes were furious as she was cussing at her. The black fortuner caught her eye and she finally realised that it was Alina who was honking at her.

Ruhani's eyes widened and she ran towards Alina in her FLASH speed. She reached her and opened her mouth. "You–"

"Just sit in the car" Alina waited for Ruhani to take a seat and ignited the engine as soon as she could. She was fuming with anger.

"Are you angry?" Ruhani asked her between nervousness. She didn't know why,but she was scared as hell right now and Alina's aura was making the case more worse.

Alina didn't replied her.


"WHAT IS IT ?" Alina screamed at her

"Why are you angr-" She couldn't complete

"Cause you are the most most most stupidest person I have ever come across" She didn't even breathed between her words. Her tone was still loud. "Duffer..Nalayk..B–"

"Hey hey hey..mind your tone and mind your words" Ruhani said strictly. "I don't deserve all this and I ain't going to take your shit anymore. I don't owe you anything at all Alina. Just stop the car right now and I'll be on my way..J–"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Alina argued with a more higher pitch. Ruhani's words didn't even flinched Alina a bit.

"What the –"

"DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS?" As soon as these words left Alina's mouth,Ruhani felt her whole body jolting.

"Whatt are y-" Ruhani asked almost in a whisper

"Tell me your address,I'll drop you home" Alina's eyes weren't meeting Ruhani's

"No– I ain't going home,Just tell me what were you saying"

"Ruhani don't you dare argue with me right now"

"You are the one who's unnecessarily stretching the convo,Alina"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Alina screamed and parked the car near the footpath.

"Water?" Ruhani asked scaredly not meeting the angry woman's eyes.

Alina took a deep breath. She calmed herself down. "Ruhani,when I asked you to wait somewhere near the college..Did you hear where that somewhere was?"

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