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They finished their food and sat in a garden adjacent to Central Library. All three of them were lying in each other's lap. 

“So,how are things going with Miss Hottie?” Arpita asked

Well quite a lot happened and she remembered how she still haven't told her friends about everything that she went through in last couple of months.

“Everything’s good ig”

“I can see that she has softened on you a bit” Arpita said

“Seriously,I don't think there's any difference as such” Manshi added

Arpita has always been the observant one among the two

Ruhani just nodded at two of them.

“Do you want to tell us anything?” Arpita furrowed her eyebrows

“I –” Ruhani gave it a thought. Yup,It was Alina's secret which she wasn't supposed to tell anyone but at the same time both of them were her best friends and she trusted them with her life. Also she didn’t had any energy left to keep this secret to herself anymore. She wanted to let someone else on the secret as well.

“I have something to tell you guys. But Promise me. Promise me to take this secret with you to your grave. You can’t let anyone else on this secret at any cost” Ruhani pleaded

Both Arpita and Manshi broke away from their stances and sat straight.

“Ruhani you can tell us anything” Arpita held Ruhani’s hand squeezing it lightly.

Ruhani takes a deep breath and starts letting them on everything which she has been through. She told them about How she met ALINA at a Buissness party her dad wad invited to and how one thing led to another. How her dad has been engaging with Alina's dad in common buissness and how she has created a bond with Alina's younger sister. She told them about Alina's secret and how she is going to help her by advising her through Drives with her every thursday.

She told them everything. A wave of relief washed her over. Now she won't have to lie about her meetings with Alina to her friends.

Both the Girls were surprised. Ruhani could guess from their reactions that it was tough for them to accept the reality. None of them spoke anything for next 5 minutes. Silence took over them but there was comfort.Ruhani could tell that none of them were planning on ditching her,it's just all the new information was too much for them to take in.

“So, basically you are helping a Billionaire in hiding her secret,Right” Arpita finally spoke after minutes of silence

“ can say so” Ruhani answered 

“Don't you think that's dangerous? And why is she even letting you help her?”

“She didn’t asked me to do anything. I literally imposed myself on her” Ruhani moved her gaze away

“Ruhani..what if someone catches you..What if -”

“I know you guys have many questions,many opinions. I'm open to all of them.I just think that Alina is finally letting me in her space and I'm greatful for that. Neither she Nor I are expecting anything from each other and I know she won't even give a shit if I walk out of her life right now. It's just for however long she is teaching here and is going through this problem of hers,I don't want her to deal with it alone. I want to be there for her. After she walk out of this University, I won't even have the opportunity to look at her...Milna toh door ki baat. Later on,why will a Billionaire engage with someone as shitty as me.”

Both her friends looked at her with confusion but they weren't surprised. They knew who their friend was and sighed in defeat.

“okay..Do whatever you want but if you get caught up in any trouble,I don't give a shit who that Oberoi is..I won't even think twice before kicking her ass” Manshi looked directly in Ruhani eyes and Ruhani could tell she wasn’t lying.

“Yeah…I promise,Nothing wrong will happen” Ruhani smiled

“You are going to her sister's birthday tommorow?” 

“Yeah…I'll probably see her extended family there. Also I'm going to perform Stand up comedy on her birthday”

“That shit is crazy Ruhi. Congratulations” Manshi held her into a hug.

“Yeah l know. There are going to be celebrities and Aristocrats. It's going to be a big opportunity for me but at the same time I'm nervous as hell”

“But why?” Arpita asked.

“First of all,I'm going to try stand up comedy for the first time that too in front of so many influential people. Secondly,I don't think those richer than god humans would be able to relate with my broke ass life and humor”

Both her friends bursted into a laughter at that. 

“Don't worry,You are going to kill it” Arpita comforted her.

“Thankyou. Anyways,That girl..Aliya. Alina’s younger sister,she’she gem of a person. You guys are going to like her fosho. She’s completely opposite of her sister. She does have that rich persona which surrounds her but not in a negative perspective. She is more relaxed,friendly and open to people compared to her sister who always surrounds herself with a shell. As if Alina doesn't want someone to enter her life”

Ruhani continued “We don't know her past,her life experiences,what she must have been through. I genuinely hope she starts letting more people in her life and I wish she ends up with someone who cares for her,respect her and love her as if she’s centre of their world”

“And you are okay with her ending up with someone else?” Arpita arched an eyebrow.

Ruhani lets out a sad chuckle at that. “Ofcourse Duffer. It's never going to be me anyways”


Ruhani was going through her closet to decide on what she was going to wear tommorow at Aliya's Birthday.

There were many things going in her mind but more than something ,it was someone who occupied her thoughts. And that someone wasn’t Alina.

It was someone who made her cry last time she went to Oberoi’s party with her family. She was scared and worried yet she shoved away the thought. She clearly remembered how she was bawling her eyes in the Hotel’s Bathroom past midnight and her eyes met Alina's. Alina looked at her and moved away as if everything was normal and there wasn't even an issue. She didn't even bothered to pass her a tissue.

But again Alina had nothing to do with her and it wasn't her buissness. When Ruhani confronted Alina about her identity,she never brought up this topic herself and nor did Alina. 

Ruhani made her peace with it. She decided to ignore thinking about that incident but again one thing she couldn’t ignore anymore was her confrontation with someone who made her cry in the first place.

Someone she knew she would have to confront again at Aliya's Birthday.
Someone beautiful but ruthless. Someone who's her past.

A/N - Plss let me know how are you guys liking this story. Also I'll be more consistent now. I only used to write on Weekends and used to carry my Laptop to college everyday in hope ki whenever I got time between lectures,I'll continue the chapters. But unfortunately I always got consumed with my friends or something or the other.

But recently I discovered that you can download Google docs on your phone and your story will be synced both on your PC and phone. This made my life so much easier and I can continue writing mid lectures as well.

So Much love,to you my people <3

UNETHICAL (Teacher×student) (Indian Sapphic romance)Where stories live. Discover now