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I woke up to the constant ringing of my phone, I got disoriented for a moment when I opened my eyes and found an unfamiliar surrounding around me. I slowly remember what happened last night and quickly reach the bed beside me. He's gone, no trace of the unknown Enigma that was pounding me all night. I put on my pants in disappointment. After the amazing night we spend together, he could at least wake me up to say goodbye or something,

I can feel my body so sticky, I want to take a shower but first I need to answer the ringing phone. As expected the call is from his beloved brother.

"Hello, P'Sai"

"You, little punk, where are you now!? Why haven't you home yet? Our parents already scolded me when we came home without you last night and you still haven't come back home yet at this hour!" My brother didn't even hold back to immediately scold me.

I look at the clock and it is already past 10 AM, yeah no wonder my parents are worried, I miss breakfast time, the most important meal of the day.

"You told me to find someone for myself while you get busy with your own husband" answered me, clearly not taking his scolding seriously.

"Yeah, but I didn't mean for you to miss breakfast and cause our parents to get worried!" he said "Just come home right now, right this second! Lift your ass from wherever you are now and get here now!"

I laugh hearing his angry tone. P'Sai is 3 years older than me and has been my biggest supporter and protector for almost my whole life. If he gets angry he doesn't mean to really get angry at me, he just worries about me and I appreciate him for that. But really because of that, I never took his scolds and nagging seriously, ever.

"I am now, I'll just take a shower and I'll be on my way home"

"Hurry Up!"

"I can't hurry up if you still nagging on my ear"

Silence for two seconds then he abruptly cut the phone. I laugh again at my brother's antics and murmur "I love you too, dear brother" to the phone before tossing it to the bed.

I was already 3 steps on my way to the bathroom when the phone rang again. I come back to my phone thinking it will be my brother calling me again, but it turns out it was someone completely different.

"Hello, Good Morning, Commissioner '' I answered with my formal voice to a call from the Police Force Commissioner.

"Good Morning, dr. Vel" said the Commissioner with a light tone "I heard you already come back to the country"

"Yes, sir, my flight landed at 9 PM last night"

"That's really great, we have an urgent situation in our hand and we need your service for the county now"

"Yes, sir!"

"And by now, I mean is right now"

"Right now, sir?"

"Yes, you are expected at the Police Force Headquarter immediately for the briefing of this case, you will meet me and the rest of the team there"

I was dumbfounded for a second, so sudden? I haven't even come home yet, I'm still wearing the same clothes for almost 24 hours now. Well, I didn't wear any clothes last night but still, I hope I can have a proper change of clothes at my own home, at my own room, a set of clothes from my own wardrobe before reporting for work.

"I'm sorry, sir, may I know what kind of case we are dealing with now?"

I can hear the commissioner sigh "You haven't turned on the TV, haven't you, doc? Just watch any news and you will understand"

The Enigma's Lover (PoohPavel AU)Where stories live. Discover now