Part 27

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Erica's pov:

"What tell me" i ask her as i get closer.

"I dont know im not sure" she replies while sobbing.

"Okay calm down first" i say as i hug her and then notice a photo in her hand.

"Who is this" she asks.

"That's me but its cropped, i dont know why" i reply.

"Okay this might sound crazy but look" she starts to calm down and shows me another cropped photo. She puts them together and they match perfectly.

"What does this mean" Ava asks curiously.

"Maybe we might be related somehow" she says as i cant form a sentence as i was in shock.

"I have to call my parents" i say quickly and leave the room.

I talked to them and they didnt answer my questions but just told me to come to their house to explain everything. I ended the call and went to Mia to tell her.

"Mia tomorrow we are going to my parents house" and with that i left to go at my room because i wasnt in the mood to stay there. After 10 minutes i hear someone knocking.

"Come" i say and Ava opens the door.

"Are you okay" she asks as she approaches.

"Yeah why wouldnt i be" i reply.

"I dont know but whatever happens, dont stress yourself okay" she says as she moves closer to me.

"You can sleep here if you want" i say.

"Okay" she replies and gets into bed hugging me as i wrap my arm around her waist.

"If you want, you can come over tomorrow and meet my parents even thought they're not the best but only if you..." i start to ramble and she cuts me off.

"Yes i will come idiot but i have to change clothes from my place" she says and tightens my arm around her, bringing us closer.

"We can get up early tomorrow dont worry" i reply.

"But im worried about Mia, i dont know i have a bad feeling about this" i say worriedly. She turns around, holding my face in her hands as she smiles softly.

"I will be there for support so you're not alone okay" she replies, kissing my lips softly.

"Goodnight my love" i say as i look at her with loving eyes.

"Goodnight my other lover" she says and i pinch her in the stomach as she starts laughing.

"Ouu you got another huh" i say tickling her as she tries removing my hands.

"Hhaha stop idiot" she says laughing hard.

"You are the only one darling" she says, smiling from ear to ear.

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