Chapter 13: The Bond

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"Now don't be sad because I'll be sad too, okay?"

Chloe smiled, and Zoe patted her head

"Do you wanna go to your mommy's favorite place?"

Chloe nodded eagerly, and Zoe led her to the other side of the street. They walked for a little while and entered a restaurant. They got seated at a table near the window. Chloe smiled and said

"Mommy, so your favorite place is a place where food is sold." (laughs) Why not home?"

Zoe smiled and said, "I have no one to come back home to. It's just me myself, and I and it sucks. "

"Let me confidently say this Zoe mom. In less than 2 months, your favorite place will be my and daddy's home because you'll have me to come back to"

Zoe smiled and said sarcastically,"I bet that right. Now let's place our order."

Zoe ordered the food she usually eats, and Chloe said she wanted to eat her mommy's favorite. The food was served, and Chloe was the first one to dig in. After chewing the food, she remained silent unbeknownst to Zoe that she was savoring the taste.

"I know it's not like the five-star restaurants that you usually eat from, and it doesn't suit your standards, and"

"Ooh my God, mommy. Are you kidding me right now. This tastes so good. Mmm I love it, I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. It's so delicious can we come here more often? "

Zoe smiled and said, "Of course, we'll do whatever you like."

They ate their food in silence and when they were halfway done. Zoe shot Chloe a question that had been bugging her all day long.

"Chloe honey, tell me. What were you doing at the hotel yesterday? "

"Ooh, that, don't get mad, but I was home playing with my toys expecting Daddy to come back early so we could go to Granddad and grand-mom's house after dinner. Dad called and said that he was going to Uncle Dustin's bash. I understood, but I heard him tell the chauffeur to go to M&S. Right then, I knew he was bringing someone with a lady. I deeply wanted to see who it was, so I snuck out. I know I know it was dangerous to do that, but we were living in a hotel nearby, so it wasn't a big deal. "

Zoe felt anxious and said, "Next time, no matter what it is, don't ever do something like that, okay? If you need anyone, just call me, understood?"

Chloe nodded and mischievously said, "I'm glad I did least now I'm spending the day with you."

They finished eating and Chloe wanted some desert so she ordered ice cream. A waiter came with their order, and after a while, a man seeming to be in his late 20s walked up to them with a big smile.

"Zoey, it's been a while since I last saw you. Are you okay?"

Zoe smiled and said, "I'm good, Lionel."

Chloe kept looking at this Lionel, and she was sure she found him a threat. She was going to do anything in her little power to make Zoe her mom and keep other predators away from her. She was determined.

Lionel was the manager of this small restaurant. He was also a part-time gymnastics teacher and was a little rich. He did want Zoe to be his wife. She was everything that a man could need. He loved her and had been hitting on her for a year, but too bad for him, Zoe always said no.

"And whose this?" Lionel asked, taking a seat next to Chloe. Zoe wanted to respond, but Chloe beat her to it and said in a clear, confident voice

"Ooh hie mr Lionel, I'm Chloe. Zoe's stepdaughter"

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