Chapter 33: The Real Ones Wont Leave

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"What the hell happened to him, Skyler?" Selena's voice echoed through the sterile hospital corridor as she stormed out of the ICU. Skylar, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, met her gaze briefly before looking away.

"As you can see, he got drunk and had a little car crash," Skylar replied nonchalantly.

Selena shot him a disgusted look, her eyes teary. "Well, good then, because this 'little' car crash messed with his brain."

Keegan, Julian, and Zake had just arrived, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. Keegan asked, "What do you mean?"

Selena shrugged, her voice heavy. "I'm afraid it's worse than we thought. The impact crushed blood vessels in his brain, causing severe bleeds. He'll likely suffer from mental disorders, seizures, vertigo, or memory loss. We managed to stop the bleeding, but the damage is done. Let's hope it won't be too severe."

Skylar's next question was direct: "When will he wake up?"

Selena's response was sharp. "I don't know, you psycho!" She stormed off, leaving the four of them standing there.

Julian shifted the focus. "How's Zoey?"

"Still asleep," Keegan replied. "Selena administered a sedative through her drip."

"And what about Aunt Bree and Brett?" Julian asked.

Zake spoke up. "Let's wait for Dante to wake up first."

The topic shifted to the Red Rebels. Julian's concern was evident. "What are we going to do with them?"

Skylar's answer was matter-of-fact. "Silence them again, just like last time."

Keegan added, "Our priority is protecting the others."

As they left, 30 bodyguards entered the hallway, securing Dante's VVIP ward. Trent, their leader, approached. "Another force is protecting Ms. Zoey."

They nodded, each lost in their thoughts, and dispersed to their waiting cars.

The next day, Chloe, Zoey's daughter, bounded into the room. "Mommy!"

Zoey looked up from her novel, smiling. "My dear daughter, how are you?"

"I'm okay. Grandmother said she'll be back later. It's just mother-daughter time for now."

Zoey patted the couch. "What do you want to do?"

Chloe's eyes sparkled. "Let's watch a movie together. Aunt Mia will pick me up soon, and I want to have fun with you."

Zoey took Chloe's iPad and scrolled through the cartoon options. Frowning, she said, "Can't find what I'm looking for."

An idea struck her. "How about I tell you a story?"

Chloe beamed, resting her head on Zoey's lap. And so, Zoey began:

"Once upon a time..."

Half an hour later, she concluded, "The moral of the story is that you don't need to change yourself for anyone or anything. If someone doesn't appreciate you for who you are, it's their loss. Always remember, the real ones won't leave."

Chloe nodded, her eyes wide. "I'll remember, Mommy."

And in that quiet moment, Zoey hoped her daughter would carry that wisdom with her always.

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