Chapter 37: Wish She Could Erase Him From Her Memory

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She just smiled-a hurtful smile, her eyes darted around, trying to think of a way out, and then she spotted Mia behind them.

Dante was standing in the middle while Keegan and Julian stood at his left and Skylar and Ezekiel at his right. Swallowing up her emotions, she intentionally bumped into Skylar and Julian, creating space for herself to enter.

'That serves you right,' She thought

"Rude," Dante just said, taking a quick glance at her back before they continued talking.

"Mia!" She exclaimed, and Mia faced her. They shared a hug, and when Mia wanted to pull out, Zoey hugged her even tighter.

"I missed you too, but pull out, girlfriend," she said jokingly.

When she heard a sniff coming from Zoey, she quickly collected herself and led her outside.

Sitting and the swings outside, Mia handed her a tissue.

Why would Dante do that. She wanted to ask him why he wasn't there when she woke up like he promised, but too bad for her, he acted like he didn't even know her.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying ?"

Zoey didn't answer. Mia didn't rush her and just kept coaxing her.

Finally wiping her own tears, she faced Mia she wanted to ask her something, but an elegant female voice talked before she could even form a word.

"You confused about Dante, aren't you?"

It was Selena. They both didn't reply and kept staring at her.

"Look, Zoey, the truth is Dante had an accident the day after your admission. It was severe. He could have had a mental disorder, seizures, vertigo, or memory loss. When he woke up, we tried to ask him about incidents that happened, and everything seemed fine, but when Aunt Bree asked him something related to you, he frowned and said he didn't remember you. "

These words felt like daggers stabbing her heart.

"We tried to make him remember, but that caused him to have vertigo. A series of painful headaches and blood started dripping from his nose. It was extraordinary. I tell you, as a doctor, I've never encountered such a thing. So we had a series of tests, and the result was - Zoey, I think he heard something about you that made him deeply want to forget you and only you. If we try to remind him, it will just be bad. So, for the love of my cousin, Zoey, you don't need to resume your work as his assistant anymore. I heard you're a fashion designer under Mia. Now, work on that. Don't worry, we'll pay you a million every month for the damages this has caused you. "

Zoey felt hurt. They all thought of money can solve every problem.

"Don't worry about paying me anything, Mrs Selena. Keep your millions to yourselves. I don't need them. I'd like to use my hard earned money. This whole charade isn't a problem. After all, it's in my favor. I hate attention. I wanted to quit anyway. Working as a fashion designer is better than an assistant. At least i get to be heard and acknowledged.Working as a fashion designer without any qualifications," she sarcastically chuckled."Ain't that a dream come true. Don't worry, Mrs. Selena, rest assured I won't do anything that would cause your lovely cousin any harm. Let's go, Mia. "

They stood up and left.

"I didn't know, and so you should know I don't like Selena one bit," Mia innocently said

"One bad chapter doesn't define your whole story. It's okay. I'm thankful though at least I work for you now."

"Why don't we forget about all the bad stuff and enjoy ourselves? "

"Thought you'd never ask. I was getting attached, but luckily, I didn't, " Zoey said as they walked back inside the hall.

Upon entering, two people blocked their path both females.

"Oh Mia, is she the one you were talking about?"

"Oh yes. This is the infamous Zoey "

"Hie Zoey, we're from the designing department. Mia told us so much about you, even in board meetings. I'm glad you match up to the standard. So when are you starting work?"

"She's starting tomorrow," Mia declared.

And as the night wore on, Zoey clung to her glass, her heart breaking anew with every passing second. She had wanted to feel Dante's presence, but now she wished she could erase him from her memory entirely.

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