Chapter 11 :- The Macabre Night

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Fear began to grip me as I quickened my pace, the rhythmic sound of his footsteps growing louder. My mind raced with possibilities, my imagination conjuring up images of a dark knight or a lone wolf. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that this encounter was far from ordinary.

I continued walking down the street, lost in my own thoughts. As I approached the traffic signal, I noticed that it had turned red for pedestrians. Even though there were no cars around, I decided to wait for the signal to turn green. It was important to follow the rules, after all.

Just then, I noticed the same guy in a black hoodie standing next to me. I couldn't see his face, but he didn't seem to be much taller than me. We both waited for the signal to turn green, and when it did, we crossed the road together.

I noticed that the black hoodie guy didn't follow me. Feeling a sense of relief, I continued walking, putting some distance between us. However, my relief was short-lived when I arrived near my house and spotted two peculiar individuals standing in front of it. They seemed out of place, their gaze fixated on my home. Alarmed, I quickly sought cover behind a nearby pole, trying to get a better look at them.

I observeed them for a while. Just as I was about to call 911, I felt a tap on my shoulder. My heart skipped a beat as I turned around, only to be confronted by a terrifying sight—a skeleton. It's jaw was filled with yellowish teeth, adding to its eerie appearance. Fear coursed through my veins, and instinctively, I swung my purse at the skeletal figure, hoping to fend it off. However, to my horror, the skeleton didn't even flinch, its bony frame remaining motionless. In a panic, I dropped my bag and sprinted towards my house, desperate to escape the bone-chilling encounter.

To my dismay, as I reached my front door, I discovered that two more skeletons had materialized, blocking my path. They began advancing towards me, their hollow eye sockets fixed upon my trembling form. With adrenaline pumping through my veins, I was trapped, and I didn't know what to do. The skeletons were getting closer, and I could feel my heart racing. I needed to find a way out, and fast.

I let out a piercing scream, desperately pleading for help. But my cries fell on deaf ears, echoing through the empty darkness. Before I could gather my breath to scream again, a bony hand clamped over my mouth, muffling any sound that tried to escape. Panic surged through me as I struggled against the skeleton's grip, but its strength was unyielding. Fear consumed me, tears streaming down my cheeks, as I realized the dire situation I was in. I longed to break free, to escape the clutches of this skeletal creature, but my attempts proved futile.

Frantically, I kicked and thrashed, attempting to run or strike the skeleton's ribs, but my efforts only resulted in pain as my hands collided with its unyielding bones. As I looked ahead, my heart sank at the sight of two more skeletons emerging from the shadows, their hollow eye sockets fixated on me. The situation grew even more terrifying as more and more skeletons materialized, surrounding me with their eerie presence. My cries grew louder, but the skeleton's hand remained firm, silencing my pleas for help. It felt as though all hope was lost, and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the worst.

But then, a sudden impact shattered the silence. A powerful blow reverberated through the air, and I was abruptly released from the skeleton's grip. Collapsing to the ground, I opened my tear-filled eyes to witness a shocking sight. The skull of the skeleton that had held me captive lay shattered, its fragments scattered across the floor. My sobs continued, but now they were mixed with awe and confusion.

I turned my gaze to my savior, the mysterious figure in the black hoodie the one who followed me before but then went on his own way. His face remained concealed, hidden beneath the shadow of his hood. As he began to walk, a sense of both fear and curiosity washed over me.

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