Chapter 38 :- The Veil of Deception

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The doctor's scrutinizing gaze only added to my unease, his eyes flickering between me and Alice as if searching for answers in the silence.

Then, like a beacon of warmth in the chilling atmosphere, Alice walked beside me, her hands enveloping mine in a tight embrace. Her touch, filled with reassurance, flooded me with a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty.

But just as hope began to flicker in my heart, the doctor's final breath cut through the tension like a sharp blade. His words, so matter-of-fact yet laden with implications, pierced the fragile bubble of relief that had enveloped us.

"Alice... just has a normal fever, whatever Elizabeth told you it was a lie." he declared, the weight of his revelation settling heavily upon us.

I was worried this might happen, and yep, it did. Lies, all lies. Elizabeth lied to me.

The room seemed to spin as disbelief painted itself across Sho and K's faces, mirroring the turmoil raging within me.

Alice's grip on my hands tightened, her voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos. "Calm down, okay," she implored, her eyes reflecting the turmoil of emotions swirling within us all.

My voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and anguish as I turned to Alice, my eyes pleading for understanding.

"Are you seriously telling me to calm down in this situation?" I implored, my voice betraying the turmoil that raged within me.

How could I calm down? It's impossible to calm down!

K's voice trembled as he struggled to articulate the weight of his emotions. "He's right. How can we stay calm when... when my mom..." His words trailed off, a painful reminder of the shadows lurking just beyond the reach of our fragile hopes.

And then there was Sho, his voice barely a whisper as he dared to voice the question that haunted us all. "So does... that mean... My sister?" His words hung heavy in the air, a poignant plea for reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

In that moment of vulnerability, K reached out, his hand resting gently on Sho's shoulder in a silent gesture of solidarity.

K's mother died, and we don't even know if Elizabeth treated her or not. Not to mention, Sho's sister is also with her. What if she dies too?

Elizabeth undoubtedly lied to all of us. She is neither a medical professional nor anything of the sort. She lied to me from the very beginning, using me as a pawn. But now, I am determined to put an end to her deceitful actions. I cannot let her go unpunished for what she has done to me. I am going to kill her with my own hands.

As the tension lingered like a heavy fog, the arrival of DCS shattered the uneasy calm that had settled over us. Her presence was commanding, her demeanor betraying none of the turmoil that churned within.

"Alvin, a moment," she beckoned, her voice cutting through the silence with a steely resolve. I released Alice's hand reluctantly, a pang of longing tugging at my heart as her touch slipped away. But before I could fully retreat, Alice placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her silent gesture a testament to the unspoken bond that bound us together.

DCS's words hung in the air like a heavy cloak, laden with the weight of untold secrets and unspoken truths.

"Elizabeth has lots of dark secrets," she confessed, her tone grave. "This is just one of them. Anyway, don't dwell on it too much. Tomorrow, she's going down."

I nodded, the gravity of her words sinking in with a heavy finality. Despite Elizabeth's deception, tomorrow would mark the end of her reign of lies. Justice would be served, one way or another.

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