Chapter 31 :- Weird Roommates

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The moment I saw them I felt like I should avoid them as much as possible.

The tall guy exuded an effortless coolness with his choice of attire. His simple shirt, a crisp white fabric, clung to his broad shoulders, accentuating his athletic build. The sleeves were rolled up, revealing a hint of sun-kissed skin and a collection of intricate tattoos that peeked out from underneath. Paired with the shirt, he wore a pair of perfectly fitted jeans that hugged his long legs, emphasizing his lean physique. His curly, messy hair added an element of untamed charm, cascading in wild waves around his face. Each curl seemed to have a mind of its own, creating an artful disarray that somehow enhanced his rugged good looks. With his effortless style and carefree demeanor, he effortlessly embodied the essence of casual elegance.

Then there was the short individual with vibrant orange hair emanated a unique aura, captivating all who laid eyes upon them. His hair, reminiscent of a blazing sunset, cascaded in untamed waves, adding a touch of whimsy to his appearance. A sense of playfulness was further accentuated by their choice of attire, a verdant green shirt that mirrored the lushness of a flourishing forest. The fabric clung gently to his frame, highlighting his petite stature and exuding an air of effortless style. Paired with the shirt, a pair of well-worn jeans adorned his legs, each crease and faded patch telling a story of countless adventures. This ensemble, a harmonious blend of vibrant hues and casual comfort, painted a picture of an individual unafraid to embrace his own unique identity.

Tall guy's frustration was palpable as he stared at me, his eyes filled with annoyance. "At least freak out a little," he muttered, his voice laced with exasperation. "Don't just stare at me like bleh. I am trying to scare you."

Feeling a mix of amusement and sympathy, I raised my hands in the air and exaggeratedly acted scared. "Oh, I am shaking," I replied, a hint of sarcasm in my voice. I couldn't help but wonder if my attempt at humor would alleviate the tension between us. "Was that okay?"

Tall guy sighed, his frustration momentarily subsiding. "I guess it was kind of okay," he reluctantly admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

These guys are seriously insane I can just tell by looking at them. They kind of remind of Dwayne.

Turning his attention away from me, tall guy called out to his friend, who was standing nearby. "Hey, look at this guy here Sho, he looks awesome almost like a black widow." he said, before pausing and adding, "Well I guess, he's more like Batman."

Sho's eyes widened as he examined me, his imagination running wild. "He looks like he murdered hundreds of people before coming here," he remarked.

Before I could respond to that, Tall guy walked towards me, his eyes fixed on mine, gleaming mischievously. "Well, well, well, what's up Batman? What are you here to do?" he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Again before I could respond, he asked, "Are you here to find the Joker?"
Well, to be honest, I wasn't really looking for jokers, but I guess I stumbled upon not just one but two of them, I replied, "No, I am your new roommate."

I felt a strange sense of discomfort as Tall guy gave me a peculiar facial expression, one that made me uneasy. He then proceeded to introduce himself as Kevin, and pointed towards the other guy, Shoyo, informing me I can call him 'Sho' and to him as 'K'

I nodded and greeted both of them, introducing myself as Alvin. These two were undeniably attractive, but their behavior seemed eccentric.

As the conversation continued, K abruptly brought up the topic of money, questioning whether I had any to spare. His bluntness caught me off guard, leaving me momentarily speechless. Before I could even respond, he quickly added, "Well, you don't look like you have money. It seems like you're broke." His words stung, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of indignation rising within me.

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