Chapter 15 :- Haunting Friend

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I tried to sleep, but just then, the memory of June's death flooded my mind like a vivid nightmare. All those horrible memories started coming back to me, and I couldn't shake them off and I started remembering it all again.


As promised, the next day arrived, and as night fell, the group of 12 friends, excluding Alice, gathered together to fulfill their promise of meeting the ghost Dylan. June and Alex had planned to visit the ruins yesterday, but unfortunately, they were unable to do so. They began their journey towards the ruins in the heart of the forest. As they approached near the ruins, resembling an old house, they all stood in silence, exchanging nervous glances. Meanwhile, Alvin chose to distance himself from the group, finding solace on a nearby stone, observing their every move.

Alex, concerned, called out to Alvin, "Alvin, aren't you coming?"

Alvin replied calmly, "I have no intention of going in there."

Kimmy, exclaimed, "Woah! You're acting like a coward."

Alvin, responded, "Yes, I am a coward. I'm only brave when things get heated, alright?"

Dwayne, attempting to persuade Alvin, urged, "Come on, Alvin, let's go."

Ava added, "Yeah, Alvin, let's go! Why are you so afraid?"

Alvin sighed, "Look, guys. If you want to go, then go. Just don't drag me into this, alright? Do whatever you want."

Andy, sensing Alvin's unease, interjected, "He's acting weird. Let's leave him alone. Let's go."

But Sofia came near Alvin and sat next to him on the stone, nervously saying, "I am not going either."

Dwayne questioned, "Come on, Sofia, you too?"

Sofia replied, "I am not going there, and I think you shouldn't either. Mrs. Smith said we aren't allowed to go that deep into the forest, even though we did. Kids aren't allowed to wander here and there, you know that Mrs. Smith only sent us to play because of Alvin, as she trusts him."

June exclaimed, "Oh, shut up! Alvin this, Alvin that, everything is about Alvin."

Noah added, "But it's true that Alvin is the strongest here and not to mention he knows what's inside the ruins."

June's frustration grew, "You too, Noah? Seriously?"

Noah frowned "I am just stating the fact, we are really weak without him."

Leo intervened, "Guys, please, everyone calm down. Let's think about this."

Sofia reminded June, "We barely made it out from there last time. I don't want to go again."

The group fell into a contemplative silence, As they deliberated, the night grew darker, casting an eerie atmosphere over the forest.

June stomped her foot in frustration, her face flushed with anger. "I am going in, I don't care if you guys follow me or not."

Andy pleaded, "Alvin, come on, "That time you were only four. Now there are twelve of us, except for Sofia who's not coming inside with us right now. We are together in this."

Alvin crossed his arms defiantly, his eyes fixed on the ground. "No, means no. You guys go ahead, I will sit here."

Kimmy folded her arms and glared at Alvin "Fine let's go guys."

Ava, approached him with a sympathetic smile. "If you're not going to come, at least stay here until we come out, okay?"

Alvin scoffed, "You don't have to order me."

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