Chapter 25 :- Date

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Alice's POV :

As I slowly started to wake up from my deep slumber, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety. I sat up in bed, feeling a little drowsy, and let out a big yawn as I stretched my arms. Looking around my room, I realized that I must have been put here by Alvin, as he always does. It's like a daily routine for him.

As I lay back down on my bed, I couldn't help but think about Alvin. He was always on my mind, and I found myself daydreaming about him constantly. I imagined his cute face, and my cheeks started to heat up as I blushed. Just thinking about him made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I got up from my bed, feeling a little weak from my fever, and hopped into the shower. The warm water felt refreshing against my skin, and I took my time washing away the sleepiness from my body. After drying myself off and wrapping a towel around my body, I dried my hair, went to my cupboard to pick out my outfit for the day. I decided on a pink long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans, hoping that it would keep me warm in case my fever decided to act up again.

As I got dressed, I couldn't help but think about spending the day with Alvin. It was Sunday, and I was hoping that the doctor would let me go out or that I could sneak out without getting caught. I wanted to go on a date with Alvin or just hang out with him. The thought of spending time with him made my heart race with excitement.

Despite feeling a little weak, I was determined to make the most of my day and spend it with the person who made me feel the happiest. I couldn't wait to see Alvin and spend some quality time with him.

I emerged from the confines of my room, feeling a sense of anticipation bubbling within me. I decided to pay a visit to Alvin's room, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before the day truly began. As I made my way down the hallway, my heart raced with excitement, eager to see his familiar face.

Just as I reached out to touch the doorknob, the door swung open, revealing Alvin standing before me. My breath caught in my throat as I took a look in his appearance. He looked effortlessly cool, clad in a crisp white shirt and black jeans that accentuated his lean physique. His snow-white shoes completed the ensemble, adding a touch of sophistication. His messy black hair fell in disarray, framing his adorable cheeks, and his piercing blue eyes locked onto mine. I couldn't help but notice the softness of his lips, a sight that always made my heart skip a beat.

Trying to mask my excitement, I greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning, Alvin. Are you going somewhere?"

He responded calmly, his voice carrying a hint of mystery. "Yeah, I am. I'm going out with the doctor. She needs my assistance."

A wave of doubt washed over me, causing me to question his words. "Is it really important? And why does she need you? Doesn't she have a team of bodyguards to take care of her?"

Alvin's gaze shifted slightly, and I could sense a flicker of unease in his eyes. "It's just... she wants me to carry her things. She thinks I'm strong enough. She prefers my help."

His explanation didn't sit well with me, and a pang of jealousy gnawed at my insides. I trusted Alvin, but the thought of him spending time with another woman made me feel uneasy.

Unable to hide my emotions any longer, I pressed further. "Are you sure about this, Alvin?"

Confusion crossed his face as he noticed the change in my demeanor. "Yeah, I'm... sure. Is something wrong? You look... different."

My heart sank, and I felt a surge of disappointment. I had hoped to spend the day with him, but it seemed that my plans were dashed. Putting on a fake smile, I replied, "Oh, it's nothing. Have a good time. See you later, then."

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