Chapter 35 :- Veiled in Gold

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The Zombie looked at me with hunger in his eyes as K and Sho instinctively took a few steps back, fear evident in their eyes. Time seemed to slow down as uncertainty gripped us all. In that split second, my survival instincts kicked in, and I scanned the surroundings for a weapon.

Amidst the debris on the ground, a glint of light caught my eye - a sharp glass shard. Without hesitation, I seized it and hurled it towards the zombie's head with precision. The shard found its mark, and the creature crumpled to the ground, a sense of relief washing over me as I caught my breath.

As the adrenaline began to subside, my focus shifted to containment. Spotting a small room nearby, I swiftly directed K and Sho to assist me in securing the fallen zombie inside. With coordinated effort, we managed to restrain the creature and lock it away, ensuring it posed no further threat.

With a deep exhale, I released a sigh of relief, my nerves finally settling. My gaze shifted towards K and Sho, who trembled visibly, their apprehension palpable. Grasping their collars firmly, I fixed them with a stern look, my voice edged with urgency.

"Now listen, Carrot tops and Fish lips," I began, my tone measured yet charged with intensity. "I am human, just like you two, and I have my limits. My anger... it's a force to be reckoned with. I'm doing everything I can to keep it in check. But once I lose control," I paused, letting the weight of my words sink in, "Then I don't care who stands in my way."

I implored them, my grip tightening slightly, "So please, behave yourselves and if you don't, I will trap you guys in that room with that Zombie!"

Their nods of understanding prompted me to release their collars, frustration evident in my words as I muttered, "Stupid heads." Regaining composure, I urged Rachel to continue our mission, the urgency of finding the red chemical.

In the dimly lit confines of the D-34 room, amidst the remnants of the abandoned lab, our search intensified. Time seemed to stretch as we scoured every corner, every shelf.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rachel's triumphant voice rang out as she discovered the elusive red chemical. Swiftly gathering the vials into her bag, a sense of accomplishment filled the air as we prepared to move forward.

As we made our way through the dimly lit corridors of the lab, the weight of accomplishment hung heavy in the air. Our mission, though fraught with challenges, was finally complete. Each step echoed off the sterile walls as we neared the exit, anticipation mingling with relief.

But then, a sudden interruption shattered the tranquility. Footsteps, faint at first but steadily growing louder, sliced through the silence. Instinctively, I motioned for K, Sho, and Rachel to halt, my senses on high alert.

As the sound drew nearer, a figure emerged from the shadows, her presence announcing itself with an air of familiarity tinged with tension. With blonde hair cascading around her shoulders and dressed in sleek black attire, she exuded an aura of confidence that matched her calculated stride.

Recognition flickered within me as I locked eyes with her. It was the same girl from our previous encounter in the lab, her smirk a haunting echo of our past confrontation.

Ugh? Just perfect! Just perfect! What's the deal with that ditzy blonde chick showing up out of the blue, huh? Why, oh why, is she here, adding to the madness! Dealing with these two numbskulls is bad enough, and now she's here to turn up the annoyance dial!

"Hey, nice to see you here again," she greeted, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

I looked at her and thought. Hold on a second, I will take everything back I said about her. Since she is here, she'll be perfect to entertain me for a little while because she is strong. Let's push her buttons, shall we?

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